Year 4: New Year, New Aggravations

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I had woken up in a panic, worried I was late for my classes, only to find that it was still dark outside. I shook my head and rubbed my stinging eyes. It was nowhere near time for classes, not to mention, I hadn't even gotten my schedule yet. I would get that at breakfast, which started at 7:30. I glanced over at the clock on my bedside table, having to squint a bit to make my eyes focus on the little metal hands. 


I had two hours to sleep and here I was jumping up before dawn. Honestly, Juniper, get yourself together. 

I let my head fall roughly back against the pillows, wanting nothing more than to fall back asleep, but beginning to worry about the fact that I could very well oversleep as my roommates would simply leave me here to wake up on my own, which thanks to my rough summer sleep schedule, would not work out very well for me and any classes I had that took place before one in the afternoon. 

So, I simply laid in bed for the next few hours. What else was there to do?

When I noticed the rest of my roommates coming to life, I decided that now was probably a much better time to get out of bed. Sunlight had begun to filter through the round windows overhead and I could hear birds chirping outside. I really hoped that these birds were smart enough to stay away from the Whomping Willow, which would kill just about everything in limb's length. 

I sat up in bed, seeing Tamara already moving about in her robes. However, Tamara's was different than the rest of ours. She had two different types of robes, a few sets with trousers like the boys wore (or girls if they simply asked for some), and a few pairs with skirts that went down to her ankles. She preferred the skirts, at least that's what she told me over the summer, which made sense as that's what we saw her in most often, even when she was in her own clothes. 

Heather was sat straight up in her bed, the bottom half of her body still buried underneath the patchwork quilt, as she stared out into space. Her glossy blonde hair stood out everywhere, almost resembling mine in a way, and I couldn't help but laugh. She absentmindedly wiped the side of her mouth, and I assumed that she had drooled in her sleep. 

Colleen was up and stretching, still in her pyjamas. She always had enough energy in the mornings to make me dizzy. It was no wonder that she did so well as a beater, she had way too much pent up energy from sitting in her classes all day. It was a miracle that she didn't just explode. But I guess that doing all of this in the morning was her way of making sure that that didn't happen while she was sitting in History of Magic. 

Robin was up, and looked like she had been for a while now. Her hair was brushed and the bits closest to either side of her face fixed in copper plaits with brightly colored elastics tightened around them at seemingly random intervals. She was currently sitting on her bed, wearing her uniform, save for her actual robe, and doing her makeup in a hovering mirror. I thought about doing my makeup, and decided that if I was going to do it, I needed to get a move on. 

I hurried to my trunk, again, being very upset with myself for how far down I put my robes until I remembered that I was allowed to do magic. I grabbed my wand from my bedside table and with a quick wave and a mutter of the incantation, Accio Robes, they practically appeared in my hand. 

I slipped into the bathroom and quickly got dressed, making sure that my tie was straight and even, before dampening my hair with water in hopes that it wouldn't be so frizzy during the day, and hurrying back out into the room. With another wave of my wand, my makeup was on my bed along with a mirror of my own. 

I hastily did my makeup, remembering that Rosemary had said that getting it a little messy was all part of the look, every time I messed up. I smeared dark eyeshadow all over my lid and smudged it out a bit with my finger, before doing my best not to stab myself in the eye as I applied my mascara (my favorite, but also most dangerous part of doing makeup). I decided that lip gloss was better applied after breakfast and tucked it safely away into the pocket of my robes. 

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