Episode Seven, Part 5:

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Episode Seven, Part 5:
Life Support

Sometimes, walking out is the one thing that 
will find you the right thing. And you know  
in your soul when it's time to go. So 
then you go. You just go. 

"We didn't make it this far to only make it this far," Sol whispered to herself, trying to wrap her mind around what was happening. She was standing a few feet away from Wynn's bedside, watching as Fenn and Aeryn hurried to stabilise him, frantically searching the equipment in the room for anything that could help them keep him alive. They'd saved him before like when he was sick with the virus Blood Riders sent to their camp; when Aeryn gave him the transfusion to make him a Pureblood to become viable for Commander of The City of Targo; when he was evacuated from the Bunker and their bus was intercepted. They had saved him before and they had to do it again now. It wasn't any different; he was scared all those other times and he had survived it. He'd survive this, too.

She swallowed back her doubt and moved over to him, trying not to get in the way of Aeryn who was working reverently to get kind of response from Wynn; something to say his body was responding to all their attempts to keep him breathing.

"Wynn?" Sol murmured, delicately taking his face in her hands. She had never been one for softness until she met him, and she didn't want him to give her a reason to lose that part of her.

"Wynn, I'll hate you if you die right now. You know that, right?"

"Riv..." Aeryn mumbled beside her, her tone empathetic as if she could believe it was true, but Sol knew what she was trying to die: he really could be dying. He could hear you and it could end up being the last thing you say to him. Be careful.

"No," Sol shook her head. "He thinks he has the choice to give up? He doesn't. That's not down to him."

"I-I can't get his heart to-" Fenn interrupted, suddenly drawing their attention over to them. He was perched on top of the bed, one leg over Wynn as he started compressions on his chest, a horrified expression consuming his features as he understood that everything he was trying was failing to succeed. "I can't get him to fight."

Sol felt her chest tighten at his confession as if she was the one who was suddenly not breathing. She turned her gaze down to Wynn, glaring furiously, hoping it would burn through his skin.

"You are a Sovereign," she said. "And you are still a brother. And you are the man I love. I'm not losing you. Not you. Not again. So come on! Wake up! Come back to me because that's what you and I do: we come back to each other."

There was resounding beep from one of the monitors beside the bed and with wide eyes, Sol looked over at Aeryn to figure out what it was.

"We've got a pulse," she exhaled, the faintest echo of hope in her voice. "But it's enough. Fenn, whatever you do, don't stop."

"I wasn't planning on it," Ares replied. "I'm going to save him. I couldn't save Ares, but I'm gonna save Wynn. I'm gonna save him."


Wynn took a gasp for breath, feeling like it was the deepest gulp of air to reach his lungs in a long time. He stretched out his fingers at his sides, feeling his joints crack inside his skin as if they had been worn down by a distant, already-forgotten ache.


He turned around, not having heard enough of a voice to predict who it was, but he was relieved to see his sister hovering behind him, seeming just as bewildered as he was that they were somehow together.

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