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The reunion for Clearwater family had not gone as horribly as everyone in the pack was expecting it to, and the Fuller and Littlesea families had accepted the older siblings back with no visible problems.

The Uley family reunion was going well from the sounds of it, and Quil V was attempting to drag his older sister over to go and see Old Quil. "Come on Brianna Ateara. You have to go over to see him eventually, it might as well be now." Julianna said with an smile, and she playfully nudged Brianna, whose face seemed to relax.

"All right Quil. Let's go and see our grandfather." Brianna said to her little brother and they bolt off together as a team, yipping rather playfully as they did.

The final reunion was bound to be hardest for them all, since Julianna was the peacekeeper between both of the boys, as well as their father now.

"You ready Tanner?" Julianna asked as she looked at the oldest of the two Lahote boys, as Paul was sitting on the porch and Tanner exhaled.

"Let's just get this over with already Jules." He said, completely missing the pissed-off look on Paul's face when he used her nickname.

Julianna cut a glance in Paul's direction, recognizing the anger on his face, and feeling it coming from her own emotions as well as through their bond as imprints.

Despite knowing full-well that the emotions were not her own, it was still quite hard for her to maintain the distance required, in order to not rip Tanner's head clean off from the anger, that was coursing through her veins and Paul's as well.

Tanner walked into the house and Julianna inhaled quietly, as Paul shuts the door behind his older brother. "I hope he gets yelled at." Paul mumbled and Julianna smacked him on the arm and he winced. "Ow." He mumbled, as she leaned her head on his arm.

"The newborns, they are coming to us in only a few hours." Sam was now, to them all hours later as both Collin and Brady were staying behind to defend the reservation, along now with at least half of Julianna's pack, which included Carmen Uley and Kiran Fuller, two of the youngest members of Julianna's pack, which had been christened 'the Old Pack' by the other members of the Uley Pack.

Paul looked at Julianna, who walked up toward the tree trunk and jumped up to stand next to Sam, as she stands up. "Thanks to Embry Call, we've all got another chance to defend our families and our home. Our Tribe, one pack is what is needed for today. But, if you chose to leave again afterwards and after the fight, I will not stop you. Let's kill some newborns."

They all looked at each other and the bunch of massive wolves came racing out of the woods to hide behind the massive rock formations, and in the woods all surrounding it.

"Alex, stay with Leah. Tanner follow Sam. If they get the chance to follow and kill the strongest of us, the rest are easy pickings. Remember, no easy kills and don't go for the hug. Got it?"

"We know the drill."

"We got it."

"Listen to her. Despite her young age, Julianna Black knows more of any sort of combat than most of us."

Sam's voice was the deciding vote, as the chatter stopped and the newborns race into the clearin' to meet doom, in their faces.


The two alphas roared and they all leapt together out from behind rocks and out of the trees, as they tore apart newborns everywhere around them.


Julianna shouted and barked out loudly, as she destroyed the newborn that was trying to crush him, and she heard a loud howl from Paul.

She spun around quickly at the howl of fury and found that to her surprise now, Tanner and Emmett found them first and Paul was free.

After the fight was over, Jacob was crying out and Julianna ran over to him in human, as the pack destroyed the last remaining newborn.

"Leah, you idiot!" She snapped at Leah Clearwater, as she felt around the injured area and the bones were already healing. "He's already healing and this won't be good." She said and a second later, the rest of them were racing towards her.

Paul looked sick and Sam gently moved her out of the way, as the boys picked him up, and Julianna raced off to let her dad know about Jacob and a lot of injuries.

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