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"The Quileutes, those of the ancient days lived in constant fears, that the creature, the blood drinker was not a lone creature. That it did not walk on this earth alone."

"Legends say that the Cold Woman was the most beautiful thing that the Quileutes had ever seen. Many fell on their knees to worship her and they all were killed. There was only one member of Taha Aki's blood among the crowds, a young boy, clinging to his mother and screaming that the smell was hurting his nose. One elder was on his way to the Council and he understood at once, what had come among them. He screamed for every person to run, she killed him first."

"Only two survived the initial slaughter and arrived to tell the Council of what had transpired. Yaha Uta took his wolf form at once, while he was followed by Taha Aki, the Third Wife and the rest of the Council around him."

"At first, all they could find was evidence of the creature's attack all around the village. Blood, bodies and all sorts of ugliness awaited them. The Quileutes had swam for the ships for safety, but she swam into the water as fast as a seal and broke the bow of the ships with her incredible strength."

"But all of that stopped at once, when she saw the massive wolf on the shore waiting for her. She swam faster, than anyone could have and came to shore, shouting something in a shrill and to the Quileutes, unknown language and she points at Yaha Uta with one of her hands."

"The fight was closely watched. The Cold Woman was not the Warrior that her mate had been, but this time Yaha Uta was alone."

"When Yaha Uta fell, overwhelmed in his grief, and rage, Taha Aki screamed in defiance and a white muzzled gray wolf, whitened and gray with age."

"It limped forward surprisingly quickly to meet the Cold Woman in battle. The wolf was old, but this was Taha Aki the Spirit Warrior, and rage made him strong."

"The third wife had just watched her oldest son die in front of her very eyes and now her husband was locked in a battle that she knew he could not win, not on his own. She knew the story of Yaha Uta's first battle and she knew of the thing that had saved him, was his brother's sacrifice."

"She looked to her young sons that stood beside her, knowing that they would die too, when their father had failed. She grabbed a knife from one of the young sons and charged toward the Cold Woman."

"The Cold Woman smirked, knowing that a mere human would have not a chance against her. She returned her attention to the old wolf, but the third wife did something, that the enemies Cold Woman did not expect. She took the knife and plunged it into her own chest, letting the blood spurt onto the Cold Woman."

"The Cold Woman turned for only a mere second, consumed entirely by a bloody thirst, but Taha Aki was not on his own for anymore. Watching their mother die, two of the wife's sons had erupted into their spirit wolves, even though they were not yet men. They destroyed the Cold Woman and they all turned to mourning."

"Taha Aki never changed back into a man again. He stayed in the camp for three days lyin' next to the wife's body and growled whenever someone tried to touch it. Then he left, limping away into the woods and never returned. In time, the descendants of Taha Aki no longer changed into wolves."

"But when a large group came onto our land, it triggered our calling in our blood once again. Now, it spawns a pack bigger than any other ever seen in our history. Except, perhaps, in Taha Aki's time. Now, our sons and daughter carry the burden again." Old Quil finished and wiped his forehead.

"Burden? I think it's cool." Quil grumbled and Julianna laughed softly and clapped him on the back, and she almost sent him flying into Seth.

"Agreed." Paul murmured and Julianna leaned against him again, as his arm returned to its usual place on her shoulders, and she smiled a little.

"And yet, we also have an ancient scroll that tell us another story. The red wolf of legends, has been reborn once again." Billy interrupted and the pack sat up at attention at once, while Julianna alone did the opposite, as she shrunk back away from the attentions as if she was trying to be invisible and failing miserably.

"Maybe we should talk to her in private about this..." Sue Clearwater tried to speak to Billy, who shakes his head.

"She must hear this now, or else she won't listen." Billy said with a furious look on his face and Julianna let out a low growl at his words, as Paul moved his hand away at the growlin' and she recognized the tone in Billy's voice. "It was stated on the scroll, that you have visions of what can happen to us. You are the strongest of the defenders and the last red wolf was Ephraim Black, a alpha and a tribal chief." Billy said and Julianna was quivering now and Paul looked at her.

"I am no alpha." Julianna's teeth, they were clamped tightly together, as they all saw it coming. An animalistic snarl tore through her teeth and she turned and ran off.

The borrowed hoodie was on the muddy ground and the rest of the clothes were heard tearing, as a howl echoed from her, as she raced away.

"Great! Well done, Billy." Paul snapped as he stood up and Sam shakes his head a little bit.

"Come on, let's go and get you guys back. Paul, you run night shift tonight with Julianna again?" Sam asks him as Paul nods, and picks up the hoodie, as he jogged away, following the massive paw prints that ran into the woods.

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