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Juliana and Paul were running borders with Jared, Leah and Seth, when they all got the all-too familiar and howling calls, from two different directions on their territories lines, by the river.

In one direction for the werewolves in the middle of it all, it was Sam Uley, Brady Fuller, and Collin Littlesea. On the other end, was Jacob, Embry Call, and Quil Ateara V, who were howling from the other direction, most likely a reaction to having disobeyed Sam and his orders.

"Let's go! We've got a vampire on our land, and it isn't a Cullen! Let's go!"

Sam's voice was a very far cry from the normally calm alpha and human voice that they all knew, and it really does show during times like these.

"We're on our way, Sam! Paul, Jared, stay with me! Leah, go run ahead of us all. Gather the others! I'm just as fast, but you have just got nothing else to do at the moment. Run! Seth, get home!"

Juliana's orders were just swift and just as sure as Sam's were, and Leah rolled her eyes, and she quickly bolts off ahead of them, snarling with fury and annoyance.

Seth raced off home in the other direction, clearly annoyed about the others, but unwilling and unable to be an sort of ignoring it.

"She isn't gonna like you for that one."

"Shut up and just run, Jared. We need to meet up with Sam, before everyone else goes off on their own, like Embry, Jacob and Quil have no doubt done all by themselves already!"

There was a very small tinge of annoyance in the edge of her thoughts and the process now, of where they were all probably headed.

"We can fight Vampires all live long day, and, we won't be defeated. Stop worrying and you just run!"

Juliana rolled her eyes as Leah's interruption disturbed everybody and her paws gouges deep scratches into a lot of dirt, kickin' it up as they race off together after the vampire.

Then, they all noticed that most of their old enemies, the Olympic Coven or the Cullens family, was running on the other side of the river to face off.

They continued running, all of them as a pack, runnin' all together now on their side, and Victoria managed once again to evade them both, by, sending herself back to the Cullens' side.

Then, just when all of the Cullens were sure about it, and thought that they had her in their grasp, she threw herself back over, and Paul rams right into Emmett, as he was tryin' to get on their territory by mistake, to get her on their territory.

"Paul, wait!"

Juliana's warning came too late as Paul slammed into Emmett, snarling at the sight of him in the river, and at once, Juliana was standing between the two guys at once.

"What do we do, Jules?"


"Juliana, take Jared, Quil and Embry to go after her. Now."

Sam's orders came with a tinge of bitterness this time, as Juliana bowed her head in a nod, touched noses with Paul, before racing off with the three wolves, who had also been ordered to run with her.

"Do you think, that they are going to be all good?"

Jared asked and Juliana chuckled quietly under her breath, and shakes her head, as she continued to run real fast after the redheaded vampire, the woman named Victoria.

"Sam is the only one other than me of course, who has any control over Paul at all. So yes Jared, I'm completely sure that they will all be okay."

"Anybody ever wish among us, that Leah was the one, who was always, in the trouble with Sam?"

"Does anybody actually care whether she is or not?"

"I heard that, asshole!"

"Yeah, and I heard those thoughts from you, Clearwater. So, keep your unnecessarily loud thoughts to your own stupid self, when you can!"

Jared, Juliana, and Embry all quite wolfishly grinned together, tongues lolling out of their mouths, as Paul's voice had interrupted their thoughts in the best way possible.

"We've got a vampire to catch, so stop fighting each other. That is an order, let's go."

Sam's low growl of anger stopped everything at once, as they all raced away after the redheaded vampire, as the Cullens followed on their side of a river border.

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