Chapter 1

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It's all dark that's all it is.
Where am I? How did I get here?
It's quiet.
But the quiet isn't the peaceful type. It's the type to give headaches, as if the air is filled with endless screaming into nothingness.
And it's dark. Pitch black, a shade I swear I have never scene before.
It feels like hours. Days even, when I'm finally pulled into a light. It's slowly surrounding me and now the screaming becomes reality as I feel myself lifting into the empty space.
I can't block out the noise, all I can do is pinch my eyes closed as tightly as I can and try to think of something besides the screeching noise.

"Zoe?" I hear muffled by a somewhat familiar voice.
Shuffling of feet and hushed whispers across the room.
I shoot up as I realize what happened, gasping in for fresh air as if I haven't had any in weeks, suffocating slowly while they try to fix something else.
"Shit girl you were the supreme." The recognized voice of Quennie says looking across the room.
I sit up as best I can and turn my glance to where she looked seeing hoping to see my friend in glowing supreme like health, but it's Cordelia.
At least it's a decent twist.
I go to stand and feel a shooting pain through my stomach clenching my side as a gasp escapes my lips.
"Hold up Zoe you ain't going no where until we sew up that hole in your stomach." Quennie says chuckling while she goes to grab some of Misty's mud and lets me do the rest myself. Myrtle, Cordelia and Quennie agree to give me privacy to clean up and to yell if I need anything.
I strip out of my cardigan leaving my bloodstained shirt which I lift to access my stomach.
It stings but I manage to put a thin layer on it when I hear somebody walking into the greenhouse. I quickly pull my shirt down and spin to see Kyle standing with a grin on his face as he runs to me engulfing me in one of the biggest hugs I have ever had.
"Zoe, I thought you were dead what happened?"
I do want to be honest with him but by the look on his face I don't want him stressing over me
"No Kyle I was just unconscious, Cordelia helped me though." I say smiling to assure him.
But instead a look of panic takes his face.
"Kyle what's wrong?" I say as his look settles instead of going away.
He doesn't reply for a minute but snaps out of it.
"Nothing, nothing I'm just happy you're okay." He says nervously as he pulls me into another hug which I accept but with hesitance.
"Okay I'll give you space I'm gonna go see if Cordelia needs anything..." He trails off as he slowly turns to leave the greenhouse.
There's something more to it I know it.

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