Chapter 10

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I sleep on the coach.
I let Kyle go upstairs but I don't want to deal with my Madison issues right now.
By morning we have files and files to organize and sort through for new witches coming in so I make busy distracting myself from everything else on my mind.
Madison comes into the office room, listing all of the rules she decided are being put into place when the new arrivals come, but Cordelia seems to drone her out, just taking the list on her desk.
I avoid contact but feel her eyes on me for a split second before she leaves.
After I jot down a few more girls and track down where they're from, I take a break since I have been working for a few hours.
I find myself drifting towards Cordelia's desk and picking up Madison's list of rules before I can stop myself.
"Make sure those aren't too unrealistic." Says Cordelia not even looking up from the paper work.
I unfold the paper and straighten it out before reading.
"1. I have higher ranking. I don't care what it is but I'm not being put on the same level as them.
2. I get my own bathroom. No sharing with any newbies or I'll blow up the place."
Sounds pretty damn madison.
"3. I get as much privacy as needed.
And lastly I want to keep my room with Zoe. Nobody added, and you can't move her out."
I thought we were fighting.
We are, she's just assuming it won't last and I'm hoping the same.
I close the paper up, not wanting to bother with the others.
"How are they?" Says Cordelia finally meeting eye contact as she puts down her own.
"Not too bad, I think we should let her have what she wants I mean, two people did get away with killing her we kind of owe her." I say looking over the list and how lengthy it is.
Good thing I didn't read the rest it would have taken a pretty long time.
"Okay but I'm still going to go over it." She says as she picks up the list beginning to go over it.
I sit back down and continue looking at files.
Some of these girls are interesting, but from basically all over the world.
It might be hard if there are language barriers but hopefully we can get through it.
"Umm Zoe did you read over all of these?" Cordelia says cautiously as she looks up at me, smirking slightly.
"No I stopped after the third why?" I say glancing up from my work.
"Nothing just odd requests." She says and looks back down.
As much as I want to ask I can tell by her smirk that it's none of my business and that I'm not going to see it anytime soon even if I ask.
I spend the rest of my day switching off between filing and eating when needed, then sleeping on the coach again, Kyle joining me this time.
Again the next day.
And the next.
And for the rest of the week.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2015 ⏰

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