Chapter 4

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I only sleep for a few hours, but it's nice to get some sleep in after yesterday's events.
However the first thing I remember about yesterday isn't being dead. It's not even the shock of Cordelia being supreme, it's that Madison is dead.
And it's my job to bring her back.
Kyle is asleep holding me so I lightly nudge him.
"Kyle?" I ask quietly and he sits up.
"I'll go get her." He says, immediately understanding what I wanted and going up the stairs.
I sit patiently in me bed, waiting in suspense as I hear his footsteps coming down the stairs.
He pushes the door open and I suck in a huge breath when I see her body.
He plops her onto the bed in front of me and I sit up afraid to touch her.
After every state I have scene her this is by far the weakest she has looked.
From the time she was gang raped and came out looking as vulnerable as ever, to the first time she died and was almost crumbling once I found her, to the countless times she squirmed under me in bed as Kyle was forgotten on the side, to the time Misty beat the living shit out of her, this is the most fragile.
Her eyes are red making it clear that she was crying when she was killed.
I'm assuming he strangled her based on the bruises on her neck which add the her look.
She looks afraid. Alone. She looks like by touching her I would break her into pieces.
It's probably because of how recent the kill is, but I'm not wasting any time in bringing her back.
"Watch her I'm gonna go talk to Cordelia." I say to Kyle as I get up and head towards the door.
I make my way down to Cordelia's room and knock.
"Come in." Says Cordelia muffled.
"Cordelia? I need a favor." I say as I walk over towards her desk where she's buried in papers.
"If this has anything to do with a certain young movie star who's disrespected all of us I suggest you hold your breath." She says without even looking up.
"But Cordelia she's part of this coven and nobody deserves to be murdered twice now." I say trying to hold back tears threatening to spill over.
"Zoe I'm sorry but I don't want that type of person around here." She says finally looking up as a few stars slide down my cheeks and changing from annoyance to sympathy.
"Look Zoe I'm sorry because you don't deserve this but she does."
"But Cordelia she's all I have right now besides Kyle and he can barely do anything. Please for me at least try and I won't ask for another thing." I say slightly crying now but trying to pull myself together.
Cordelia looks up and sighs.
"Fine. But only because I know what it's like to lose someone you care about." She says as she stands up, and I can't help but to run at her with a hug.
"Oh thank you so much!! You won't regret it I'll keep her attitude under control."
I lead her down the hall to my room and we enter, Kyle immediately backing against a wall, knowing that we need space.
Cordelia gets low and whispers the needed words and all I can do is wait.

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