Chapter 8

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It takes a while but I finally get Madison upstairs with the help of Kyle lifting her.
Apparently Quennie did more damage than I thought.
I have Kyle help me carry her into the bathroom and lie her down in the tub then have him go down stairs to help out.
"Shit where else did she cut you this is bad."
I say scanning her for injuries but she's in jeans and long sleeved shirt with a jacket so it's hard.
I start by taking her jacket off going as gentle as I can around the wound.
"Shit Zoe get my shirt off." She says as I pass the cut and pull the hem of her shirt over her head.
It's not big.
It's just a slice through her upper arm but it's bleeding and needs stitches.
Luckily it's horizontal so I can stitch it if I have the stomach, which I'm going to have to.
"Madison hold still." I say as I come back over with the first aid kit.
I get a good hold of her arm and sit on the edge of the tub.
"Here I need both of my hands but squeeze my leg if it hurts." I say trying to distract her.
"So what's new in Hollywood world?" I say as I begin stitching and her grip on my leg tightens.
"Nothing much. Ow go faster so it doesn't hurt as long." She says moving her hand up on my leg to take out pain.
"My agent is still a bitch." She says through gritted teeth.
"Has he found you a new job yet?" I say trying to go as fast yet accurate as I can.
"Umm no... There isn't anything right now but- fuck ow- he should be looking.. I mean I told him to but he hung up." She says trailing off.
"So you're staying?" I say and I can't hide the smile playing on my lips.
She looks up and at the sight of my smile and chuckles herself.
"For now." She says with a small smile.
"Finish stitching me up." She says reaching down with her hand that was previously on my leg to un button her pants.
I finish sewing her arm and help her slide her pants down and off to see more cuts on her legs.
"Shit good thing none of these need stitches." I say as I gently run my hand over the marks.
"Fuck those sting." She says grabbing my hand.
I stop and focus on her face for a minute.
"I'll get a rag." I say reaching over to get some cloth to clean her legs without hurting them, but I make sure to not let go of her hand.
"Here slide up a little bit." I say helping her to move and positioning myself better to clean them.
I turn the water on letting a little bit fill up just enough to wash over her thighs where there are scrapes still bleeding from Quennie's knife.
"Ow Zoe make this quick I'm dying here." She laughs from next to me.
It takes a few minutes but I finish cleaning them and drain the tub.
"I just have to put bandages over them." I say going to grab some from the cabinet.
Afterwards I help her out and walk her into the bedroom lying her down and grabbing some sweats and a tank top for her to wear for bed.
When I get back she's changing into new undergarments and I try not to stare but she really is perfect, I mean it's no surprise she was such a desired movie star.
"Umm do you need help?" I say noticing she only has one good arm to put stuff on.
She spins quickly to me still topless considering it take two hands to clip a bra.
"Umm yah thanks." She says spinning around again and pulling a bra back on, sliding her hair out of the way so I can clip it.
She sits on the bed so that I can slip her sweats on and a tank top over her head then she lies down.
"Zoe?" She says once I'm going to exit due to the awkward silence before hand.
"Thanks for this." She says looking me dead in the eye. I can tell that she's thanking me for more than just sewing up her arm though.
"It's no problem madison really. And I wouldn't do it for anybody you know."
And with that I head down to get some dinner, leaving her to her own thoughts.

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