Chapter 7

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I get downstairs to see the main rooms empty, but hear talking in the kitchen.
I turn the corner to see Quennie eating and Kyle over putting away some silver wear and glasses.
"Zoe. Where have you been?" He says going over to the coffee machine to make me something while I head to the cabinets pulling our cereal boxes.
"Upstairs with Madison." I say knowing better than to bring up her leaving just yet.
"Oh shit who brought that bitch back?" Says Quennie with a mouthful of pancakes.
"Me and we have to show her some sort of hospitality considering we are slightly responsible for both of her deaths" says Cordelia entering the room and getting herself a drink from the fridge as she sits next to Quennie at the table.
"Kyle come upstairs with me." I say putting down my cereal and grabbing the coffee he made me and his hand.
I might as well talk to him about this.
He follows me upstairs and shuts the door behind us, spinning me to connect our lips.
I kiss him back for a minute then stop to explain.
"Kyle we have to talk about-" but I'm cut off again with his lips.
I give in as he pushes me to the bed lifting his shirt over his head.
He's been good lately and I haven't let him do anything so I can't imagine that he has had anything considering Madison's situation.
He lifts my shirt off and undoes the clip on my bra pulling it off and attaching his mouth onto my neck sucking downward pinning my arms as I undo his pants.
I hear a door opening and footsteps come to a halt.
"Oh sorry." Says madison flushed as she walks through and leaves slamming the door behind her.
"Madison wait-" I say going to get up but Kyle pulls me back.
"Give her space." He says and continues kissing up my neck.
I let him finish with me and it's fine but I can't get Madison's face out of my mind.
She looked shocked, but also sad and trust me although she claimed to like Kyle, nobody though she actually did, even me and I've been in bed with them.
She just liked fucking him, there was no emotion when they were together.
I fall asleep with Kyle in my bed and next thing you know I'm waking up to shuffling.

"Kyle what time is it?" I ask stretching and reaching for my shirt pulling it over my head.
"Like six, you slept in." He says cleaning up some clothes that I'm assuming madison had emptied out to pack.
I go to speak but I'm cut off from yelling downstairs.
Madison and Quennie of course.
I run down followed closely by Kyle and end up in the living room to a bleeding Madison lying on the floor and a outraged Quennie standing up with a knife pressed into her arm shouting insults at Madison.
"Girls stop there a no need for this." Says Cordelia from her seat in the corner, although she isn't doing anything to stop it.
"Maybe if she wasn't such a judge mental, snobby bitch we wouldn't be having this argument." Quennie says from above, pulling the knife out and holding it threateningly against her stomach.
"Oh I'm sorry maybe if you didn't look like that then you wouldn't be so fucking easy to insult." Says madison clutching her arm on the ground.
"Jesus Christ guys stop! Can you even go ten minutes in the same house without fighting?" I cry from the side stepping between them.
"Quennie please just drop it I'll pay you back later." I say quietly and she huffs.
"Fine but let that bitch near me again and I slit her damn throat." She says walking away.
I turn to madison who's stood up now and is still holding the gash in her arm.
"Fatass." She mumbles.
"C'mon upstairs now madison we have to get that sewed up." I say grabbing her good arm and pulling her behind me. I motion to Kyle not to follow so I can talk about earlier.

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