Chapter 6

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After the movie madison is asleep on my shoulder and despite not wanting to wake her, I doubt she would be happy sleeping with a laptop on her and another person cramped into her small bed.
I quietly go to climb out of the bed transitioning her head over to a pillow but I feel an arm shoot around my waist.
"Don't go." She whispers under her breath pulling me back to her.
"I just wanna change, I'll come back."
I try to go again but she's holding me still with now open eyes looking at me with doubt.
Something about her eyes are broken.
"I promise, I'll come right back." I say and finally after another look she lets go.
I know it's not a lot but I can tell she's having trust issues, and although she's never let me in a lot I can tell she's trying.
I get up and grab the lap top putting it down on the table. I turn to my closet pulling out a T-shirt and shorts to sleep and go back to the room to change.
I can feel her eyes boring into my back the whole time as the door flicks shut.
Good thing she's paying attention because I wouldn't have noticed it being open.
I quickly finish changing and feel a tug from across the room.
Another sign that her powers aren't weakened from being dead so I guess it's good, but even if she's doing it with good intentions it is annoying to know she still has full control over my motions.
I ignore her pulling though until it becomes so strong that I almost trip over as I finally turn to walk over to her bed.
Eyes closed and curled up.
She's like a five year old pretending to be asleep so her mom will carry her upstairs.
But another thing about five year olds is that as annoying as they are, you humor them and carry them anyways.
So against my mind I slowly slide into bed as quietly as I can.
As soon as I'm in I feel two arms wrap around my waist pulling me against her as her head finds my shoulder again and I slowly wrap an arm around her.
Hopefully she doesn't get too moody in the morning.
And before I know it I'm falling asleep wrapped in my best friends arms again.

"So there are no auditions I could go to?"
I roll over to an empty bed.
"I just need something to boost start my new career. Anything I'll even do something on ABC for fucks sake."
Says the bitter voice of one Madison Montgomery apparently back on track with her bitchy attitude.
"Jesus Christ I know I fired you but please help a girl out I'll give you 40% this time."
Wait she's leaving?
"Shit fine." She says as she hangs up her phone crossing her arms with a pout on her face.
"Well looks like someone decided to finally wake up." She says as she sits next to me on the bed.
I don't answer, sitting up and rubbing my eyes.
"Are you leaving?" I ask as I pull the blankets over standing up.
I walk over to my side of the closet pulling out a tank top leggings and a cardigan and bringing them into the main room to change.
"Well yah if I can find a job, did you expect me to stay in this shit show?" She says eyeing me as I pull my shirt over my head and tank top on.
I stay quiet not really knowing how to respond.
"Look I'm sorry if you thought I would stay and I would for you, but everyone else hates me and I really don't like them much either so unless I can't get a job then I'm going."
"Okay I get it but if you can't then please stay, I really need a friend besides Kyle."
At his name she seems to flinch but not noticeably enough to point it out, but then she turns and goes to the bathroom without saying a word and locking the door behind her.
I decide she's done talking and head down to get breakfast.

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