Chapter 2

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**Kyle's POV**
I killed Madison.
And for no reason now that Zoe is back.
I know that not a lot of people will even care but if Zoe finds out then I'm dead. I'll lose Zoe and I'll lose this place if I don't have her.
I know that Zoe is mine right now, but Madison is her best friend, and friends are pretty loyal in this place.
Now I'm torn.
Should I bring her back with Cordelia's help alone?
Or tell Zoe and beg for forgiveness?
Or I could always just bury her and say I don't know what happened, but the truth finds a strange way of coming out in this house and it's better to just be honest while I can, but how?
When I leave the greenhouse and zoe I immediately go up to where Spaulding should be in the attic.
I barge in and sure enough Madison's lifeless body is on a bench and Spaulding is in the corner organizing dresses.
"We need to bring her back." I say out of breath from my run up the stairs.
"Oh but the fun has only just started." He said smiling as he went to grab her, giving me a good idea of what he's thinking but I stop him with a blow to the face.
She is a bitch but nobody deserves rape especially not when they have no source of defense at all, even if she is dead.
My blow to the head knocks him out and I drag her body down the attic hall to a little closet I noticed on my way up and stuff her there as gently as I can, the I go down stairs to Zoe's room where she's sitting on the bed flipping through a magazine.
"Where were you?" She says as she notices my state, out of breath and flustered.
"Umm downstairs moving some boxes from an old closet..." I trail off trying to think of something she'll believe.
"Hmm who told you to?" She said playing the innocent girl but she knows I'm up to something.
I suck in a breath trying to think of how to get away with this when a knock on the door interrupts us.
"Supper is ready darlings." Myrtle says as she walks in the leaves without another word.
Zoe starts to speak but I cut her off by turning to follow Myrtle.
Dinner is quieter than usual. Part of me wonders if it's because of the excitement, or the two missing faces from the table, but Zoe seems to have come the the second conclusion.
"Where's Madison?" She says after a few moments of silence.
Nobody talks at first.
Everyone knows how close they were, although they fought a lot they were close never the less, and nobody wants to break the news that she left.
"Well she snapped and claimed to be leaving. Poor girl nobody thought she would go through with it but I suppose she did for most of her stuff is gone." Myrtle trails off leaving Zoe looking down.
"She didn't go through with it." I say under my breath feeling guilty for the look in Zoe's eyes.
"What Kyle?" Cordelia says attentively.
"She didn't leave. She died." I mumble as everyone goes silent.
Zoe gets up from the table and runs upstairs not looking back.
"Zoe-" I start to get up but myrtle grabs my wrist pulling me down.
"Give her time she's just mourning a friend." And with that they continue eating, not even bothering to ask how she died or how I know.

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