Chapter 5

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A sharp gasp escapes Madison's lips as she shoots up as far as she can go before being held back by Cordelia and Kyle who's right by her side within seconds.
I sigh with relief and immediately walk to her wrapping my arms around her in a tight hug which she shockingly returns after a second.
I don't know how long this last but the only reason I pull away is the sound of the door shutting and Cordelia is gone.
"So.." Madison starts lighting a cigarette and bringing it to her full lips,
"You the next supreme?" She asks taking a long inhale then letting the smoke out as I turn neatening up some papers to make myself look busy.
"No actually Cordelia is.." I trail off.
I know how much being supreme meant to her and she knew how much it meant to me.
We had a mutual understanding that the supremacy came before our friendship but I doubt I would've been able to go through with it.
"Was it bad?" I asked hoping she would get the idea, as she slowly sat up making room for me on the bed.
"It was shorter than last time." She says simply bringing her knees to her chest.
I go to comment on missing her when Kyle walks back over to the bed pulling me in for a peck on the lips.
"I'm gonna go clean up downstairs."
And with that he's gone.
I turn back to Madison who's looking down until I clear my throat catching her attention.
"So any movies you wanna watch?" I say trying to perk her up.

After a few minutes of debating we settle on one and curl up in her bed with a laptop in our laps.
I missed moments like this once Kyle came.
Sure Kyle is great but sometimes girl time is the best time.
Madison doesn't talk the whole movie.
I understand though. She has been through a lot today and all I can do right now is comfort her so I let her cuddle against my chest with an arm wrapped around her.
It's not that I dislike this Madison, but I know that the real her is still there, and I guess I'll just have to enjoy her quiet, innocent personality while it lasts.

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