Chapter 9

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A week goes by.
The same routines, the same people.
Cordelia is organizing for a public announcement so we should have new faces soon but that isn't necessarily a good thing.
It's been quiet here.
The occasional Madison and Quennie fight but I never let them get out of hand.
Madison has drifted.
Become more closed.
Of course I knew it was coming I just didn't think she would be so distant so fast.
But she hasn't packed for Hollywood yet which is good.
But we also haven't slept in the same bed.
We used to always end up cuddled in the blankets by morning even if we were bitching at each other all day, but now she won't even look up when she piles into her own bed and covers her head with the blankets.
I've had Kyle sleep with me to take the place of another body which works fine except for the fact he pretty much lives off of sex and I like him but not enough to be sore every day.
Madison talked less and less to me each day.
Today I'm lucky to even get a thanks when I stop Quennie from stabbing her eye out.
But she's still here.
And she's going through stuff so I can't blame her for wanting to be alone.

It's Sunday so Cordelia has the press coming for an interview.
I'm not one for the spotlight so when the door bell rings I take a turn for my room locking the door and spinning when I hear someone.
"What are you doing up here? You love the spotlight." I say going to sit on my bed.
"Not in the mood." She mumbles pulling out a magazine and lying down.
I can see she doesn't want to talk but I'm bored and quite frankly very interested.
"How's the Hollywood thing working out?" I say earning a glance up from her and a look before she starts talking.
"It's not. My manager hasn't answered my calls so I guess I'm done for now." She says and continues reading.
But something is off putting about that considering the halfway packed suitcase in the closet.
"So where are you going?"
She looks up again and then over to the suitcase cracking a smile at the fact that I noticed.
"I don't know just not here." She says standing and walking over to the closet area and pulling out more clothes to pack.
"Wait why madison I thought you were going to stay."
I say sitting up, beginning to panic about losing her.
"Yah but I don't really see the point since nobody really needs me around."
She says without missing a beat and packing more stuff.
"That's not true. I do." I say trying to convince her but not knowing where to start.
She pauses her packing and looks up at me.
"Look Zoe it was thoughtful of you to bring me back but you could've left me this time." She says looking at the ground.
"Wait what. I thought you would want to be back?" I say confused at what she's saying.
"You really think I wouldn't have thrown Kyle to the side or set him on fire if I really didn't want him to strangle me?" She said making eye contact again, this time with glossy eyes that still managed to hold my gaze.
"But I.. I couldn't live with myself if you weren't here. Especially knowing I was the reason."
"well now you won't be so what's the issue with me going?" She says as she goes to pack more and wipes her face.
She's right.
Why am I so upset with her leaving?
"Please madison you can't leave me alone." I say as I feel tears threatening to spill over my eyes.
"Alone? Alone for fucks sake you have Kyle! You're always with Kyle, fucking kyle who can't even spell his own god damn name! I haven't seen a second that you two aren't fucking or hooking up all over each other this week!" She snaps through gritted teeth.
"If you want Kyle I can share again... I just thought you were going through stuff.." I trail off not really knowing where I should go with this.
"You know Zoe you really are an idiot. If you brought me back to rub in how happy you are with him I get it. Now can you get out I need some time alone." She asks more like demands as she finally meets my gaze again.
Tears are smudging her makeup and her lip is quivering.
"Okay." I say nodding and giving her one more look before leaving the room.
I don't even know what just happened but I think I lost her.

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