Chapter 3

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How could she be dead?
There is no way in hell that she is dead I can feel it.
I mean sure we had our ups and downs but Madison was, is my best friend and I'm not just going to let her die again after everything I did to keep her alive the first time.
As I jog up the stairs I let my tears fall freely and lock my door behind me.
I don't want Kyle following me because something tells me he has more to do with her death than he's letting on.
But despite my thoughts not wanting him here I did nothing to show him that.
After about ten minutes there a small knock on the door and Kyle pushes it open slightly, so much for the locks this house has.
"How did she die Kyle?" I say barely audible but he hears and looks at me with apologetic eyes but I'm not going to crack for him right now.
"Kyle how did she die?" I snap louder now and he flinches but continues with the puppy eyes.
"I did it. I strangled her. But I only did it because she didn't save you." He says slowly coming closer in a pleading way.
She's dead.
"Kyle can you go I need a minute alone." I say quietly and he gets the point shutting the door after himself.
Dead, I repeat it over and over in my head.
My best friend is dead again.
It's not the fact that she's dead that's getting to me.
I mean it's sad and all but I'm a witch I can get someone to help bring her back right?
It's the way I'm handling it.
I've always loved her as my best friend, even my sister, and over the short period of time I thought my feelings were surprisingly strong, but they've developed and as amazing as Kyle is I need more than a stitched up boy toy in my life and I can't help but notice no more than ever that Madison is the person I need to be there for me.
No matter what a bitch she was she cared about me and it was nice having someone for that.
But now she's dead.

I don't get much sleep.
I try to thinks of how i can approach this but I really have no idea.
At around seven the next morning Kyle walks in quietly but I sit up immediately.
"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you I'll leave." He says turning but I shut the door with a flick if the wrist.
"Can you sit with me?" I ask quietly as he looks at me slowly nodding and sliding into the bed, wrapping and arm around me.
I might be mad at him but the comfort of another person is nice.
"We have to bring her back." I mumble into his chest as sleeps takes over, finally allowing me to drift off.

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