Chapter Twenty Four

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                                                  Beauty is only skin deep
                                                                - Anonymous

** Warning, the following chapter contains sexual content **

The plan was simple, the Heelshire's lawyer would arrive to go over the will and the confirmation forms in two days. I, would pretend to be "Greta Evans," sign for the estate and the left over funds in the bank, and then put my name on the property certificate making it official that I was now the owner of the Heelshire property. It seemed simple, but for me, acting like someone I was not was not as simple.

I turned on my side in the bed. Brahms was counting on me to do this. I couldn't let him down, he deserved to be able to live in his house.

I sat up and got out of bed. The less I thought about the lawyer and the will, the better.

Walking down the steps, I headed for the kitchen. It was empty. I wasn't surprised. I grabbed the tea kettle and began to fill it with water from the tap.

I heart footsteps behind me. I relaxed a little knowing he was near. Brahms snaked his arms around he from behind, "tea?" He asked teasingly.

"Well yes," I responded, "it's morning."

"Oh?" Brahms countered, "I strictly remember looking at the clock a few minutes ago and we were well past twelve."

I paused, "so I slept in?"

Brahms nodded, "yeah. I didn't want to wake you."

"I wish you would have," I mumbled, as I turned off the tap and placed the kettle on the stove. Brahms heard me and smirked.

I moved away from him and sat at the island.

Brahms stood across from me, his back against the sink, his eyes playfully watching me as I sat in silence.

My thoughts drifted to last night, our naked bodies pressed up against each other. How was that all we did? The topic of sex was not ever considered when used to think about Brahms, but now, I'm starting to wonder if it should be.

We most certainly did not have a label, I wasn't even too sure if we were anything at all. His flirtatious body language, and my sly teasing remarks worked for flirting but I never thought I'd call him a potential partner.

The more I thought about us, what I was willing to do for him, what we have been through, I knew he wasn't just someone I lived with, he was someone I cared about. If I was going to do something so big for him, I wanted him to treat me like we were partners. I wanted a label

"Brahms?" I asked softly.


For a few moments, I couldn't get it out. I was terrified of being faced with the ugly truth, "What are we?"

Brahms was silent at first, but then he slowly spoke, "I helped you, and now you're helping me."

That was it? He didn't think we were anything more? He saw me naked last night, we've kissed numerous times, he begged me not to leave him; did that not mean something to him at all?

Brahms spoke again, "I need you and you need me."

My heart fluttered. he needed me.

"I love you and-."

Brahms paused, his eyes searched mine for any emotion, for a reaction. I was shocked, he just told me he loved me. I finished sentence, "you love me."

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