Chapter Thirteen

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"The first kiss is always the greatest."
                                                               - Unknown

Seeing him in the moment made me want to run upstairs. Back out. Change my mind.

"Brahms." I breathed.

Brahms' tall frame casted a long dark shadow onto the floor in front of my feet. He was still maskless.

He took a step towards me, he knew what I was down here for. How could he not?

"I didn't mean to bother you." I said my voice croaking in my throat, "I couldn't sleep."

Brahms didn't respond, he only took another step closer to me.

I gulped. What was this?

"Me either." He said.

I didn't move or speak, I only stood there because that was all my body would allow of me.

Brahms took a final step closing any space between us. My knees suddenly felt weak and I began to lose my breath.

My heavy breathing was all that could he heard between us.

Brahms gently grabbed my chin and pointed it upwards. "What are we to do?" Brahms asked.

Feeling my legs tingle, I sucked in a breath, "I dunno." I said as coolly as I could. I felt awkward, I felt embarrassed.

Brahms leaned in, but I panicked and backed out. "I- I think I'm going to go to bed." I said.

Before Brahms could answer, I was speeding up the stairs. Once I got into my bedroom, I hid underneath the covers and tried to calm my heavy breathing. You idiot! He was about to kiss you and you backed out! I wanted to slap myself. I only came downstairs to kiss him. It was my idea! I had never kissed anyone in my life and I never wanted to, that was until I met Brahms.

I rubbed my temples. This is ridiculous, I shouldn't be so scared to show and accept his affection.

I remembered kissing his mask, how did I get so much courage then?

After a few minutes of having a mental battle with myself, I decided to try to sleep. I'd have to avoid Brahms any way since I made myself look childish.

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't fight my feelings. The more I tossed and the more I turned, the more I couldn't sleep.

Everything was keeping me awake. My regret, my embarrassment, my immaturity, and my self consciousness.

I rolled over onto my back and sighed. I'm not gonna be able to sleep unless I kiss him.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Should I do this? I looked around the dark room. Yes.

I quickly swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up. I tiptoed out of my room and into the hallway. What if he pushes me away? What if he didn't actually want to kiss me? Worry and dread surfaced in my mind as I quietly descended the staircase. What if he's already asleep?

I gripped the handrail tightly as I lowered myself off of the last step. Everything was quiet. Almost deafening.

The darkness seemed to have swallowed everything up leaving me practically blind. I felt along the walls for a switch of some kind to aid me in my search for Brahms.

I was unsuccessful and quickly tripped over the leg of a chair resting by the fireplace in the foyer. The loud thud from my body shook the floor and echoed through the large house. I rolled over on my side and winced. The floor was definitely not the softest place.

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