Chapter Two

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"Being vulnerable is the only way to allow your heart to feel true pleasure" - Bob Marley

His eyes remained glued to mine. They we're digging into my head as if he was reading my thoughts through our eye contact.

Being unable to handle the intensity, I broke contact and turned my head. Cold chills ran up and down my spine. What was this feeling?


I looked back up at him. He was still staring at me. He knew what I was thinking, he had to.

I played dumb. "What?"


I furrowed my eyebrows, "and why is that?"

The man's eyes left mine for a moment and he spoke again, his breath labored, "the phone lines are all cut. There's no chance you can call anyone." A lump formed in my throat, cut?

I ran my fingers through my tangled hair, my mind was swirling and I felt light headed. I have to find a way out of this mess. Shelter or not this man couldn't be trusted.

"Does anyone else live here?" I asked worriedly.

He didn't answer, just shifted his eyes downwards. I took that as a no.

I started to run through scenarios of leaving in my head, but every scenario ended up leaving the man for dead and putting me in jail eventually. I couldn't deal with the police. That was a definite situation I refused to put myself in.

I snapped out of my daze and turned my attention towards the man, "maybe you should lay down a while?" I suggested. I needed time to think, I didn't need his eyes on me.

He winced in pain as he moved to sit up.

"If you tell me which room is yours, I could prepare your bed." I said not making eye contact with him. Play it nice, avoid trouble.

He pointed to the room farthest from us at the end of the hall. I pushed my hair behind my ears and slowly made my way to the bedroom. Once I was inside, I immediately noticed the room as that of a child's. The decorations were all little toys lined up beside one another. The paintings on the wall were those of little dogs and children. A book case, which was lined with all kinds of classics stood in the corner.

I raised my eyebrow at the weird sight in front of me.   Was he joking about this being his bedroom? Was he a creepy pedophile who liked children?

A violin, sat on a desk beside the bed which caught my eye. I had played when I was younger before the incident.

I strummed the strings with my index finger, the sweet sound that vibrated in my ears relaxed me a little it brought back those golden memories that I had cherished. The only normal time of my childhood. A small golden label was on the neck of the instrument. I held it close to my face to read the words scripted on the golden label.

It read "Brahms". I was puzzled. Was it a name or a brand of the violin? I had only ever heard of the name Brahms, when I heard the song "Brahms lullaby" when I was a child. I put the violin down and turned to the bed.

I began to strip the bed while scanning the bedroom. After I discarded all of the old sheets and blankets from the bed, I walked to the wall hutch and pulled out a new bed sheet, and comforter. I dressed the bed as quickly as I could, I didn't like my back to the door as I was worried he'd sneak up on me.

Once I was finished, I walked back out in the hallway to retrieve the man but was startled. He had disappeared. The walls let out a soft groan as I walked down the hallway.

Confused as to where the man may had gone, I began to open each door in the hallway hoping to find him laying down in a bed. I was unsuccessful in finding him. It unnerved me a little seeing him vanish as quickly as he did all the while being wounded.

"Your bed is ready" I called out. The walls groaned loudly behind me. I turned around only to be met with the man's chest. I jumped back, frightened over his sudden appearance.

"Your bed is ready." I repeated, my voice slightly shaky.

The man stepped back a little and cocked his head to the side.

I gave him a small smile to show I was not a threat. He then turned around and disappeared into the bedroom.

I let out a sigh, I wanted to leave tonight but the weather was too cold to do so. I then decided against my better judgment to stay in the house at least for the night. What harm could a wounded man do to me anyhow?

I began to descend the steps slowly marveling at the decor and elegant aura. My hand glided down the handrail as I walked swiftly down the staircase.

"For being all alone up here, he sure does keep the house nice." I said to myself.

Being stuck in a daze, I roamed around the house aimlessly distracted with everything inside.

I eventually found myself in the kitchen. Everything was a pristine white color which didn't match the rest of the dark gloomy house. Each counter top was scrubbed clean, and the cupboard windows didn't have a single smudge. I walked around the island inspecting each and every vase, bowl, and utensil on the counter. It surprised me that everything had such a definite order to it.

A freezer tucked in the corner caught my eye. I stalked over to it slowly as it didn't fit the aesthetic of the rest of the kitchen. Without reason, I lifted the lid expecting to find food stuffed inside.

I instead found a twisted, crushed corpse covered with blood and dirt. A scream escaped my lips before I blacked out completely.
So chapter two is finished. Not my finest, writer's block is really sucking me dry here. I apologize for failing to update for so long, I intended to have this chapter posted a long time ago but with school being moved to online and everything going out of whack due to Covid-19, I've put this book on the back burner. I'm still deciding how I'm going to write my character's personalities in this book because there's a lot of things I'd like to cover about Brahms since I feel like he didn't get a fair depiction in my previous fan fiction. Like always, thank you so much for reading!!
- Ri

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