Chapter Fourteen

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Kissing, is the body's way of saying "I love you."

Two birds chirped outside my window, waking me up for the day. My comforted state of mind quickly diminished as I sat up. Another day of avoiding Brahms. Last night marked two days since we had that starved make out session. I didn't regret it until the next morning. I assume he regrets it as well because he hasn't come upstairs at all.

I knew it wouldn't end well if I got any closer to him. I wasn't a reliable person when it came to relationships, I had been burned too many times.

I rubbed my eyes. I needed a shower.

I padded across the room towards the bathroom and turned the faucet on. I quickly undressed, and stepped inside the tub instantly relaxing in the hot water. Everything about showers was glorious to me. It felt as if I was washing off the previous days and starting new. Fresh.

My mind began to wander as I stood soaking up the heat. Why hasn't he come around me? Thinking about it hurt my head. I knew I was just as bad as him in the communication department. I couldn't judge him for it.

I turned the faucet off and stepped out of the tub.

Once I finished getting dressed, I flopped belly first onto the bed. I wasn't tired, I had been sleeping more than anything.

I rolled over and stared at the ceiling. For as old as this house seemed, it was nicely kept. The ceiling paint wasn't chipping, and the floors were strong.

My stomach growled snapping me out of my thoughts. "I need something to eat." I said aloud.

I dreaded going downstairs, not wanting to confront Brahms, but my stomach ultimately won the war and I ended up trudging down the steps. If I see him, I avoid him. Simple.

Once I got to the landing, I peered around the foyer for any sign of Brahms. When I didn't see anything, I quickly made a bee lime for the kitchen.

Before I could enter the kitchen I knew he was there. Unfortunately he caught me before I could turn around and run upstairs.

Meeting his eyes, my cheeks flared up. "Good morning." I said breaking eye contact.

Brahms began to walk closer to me, which immediately made my heart start to race. My thighs began to tingle, and my breathing began to deepen.

"Did I do something?" Brahms asked once he was a few feet away from me.

I shook my head, "no."

"You've been avoiding me." He said.

Biting my lip, I turned away. I couldn't do this. My body was doing things I couldn't control.

Now his hand was on my chin aiming it upwards towards his eyes. "Tell me what I did Kátalin." The heat from his hand was practically burning my skin, but I undeniably wanted more.

I didn't want to tell him I was embarrassed. I didn't want to tell him that I was attracted to him. I didn't want to admit to him that I was weak around him.

Brahms tightened his grip on my chin authoritatively.

My eyes widened at his sudden action and tried to pull away. "You technically have been avoiding me as well." I said trying to push past his question.

Brahms turned his head and raised an eyebrow, "how?"

I bit my lip once more, "you haven't come upstairs once."

Brahms let go of my chin, "you hadn't come downstairs since two nights ago, so I left you alone."

I wish you hadn't.

I made eye contact with Brahms. His eyes were searching mine for a response, however I didn't have one.

"I was tired." I finally said after a few minutes of silence.

Brahms didn't believe me. I knew he wouldn't.

I sighed, "look. It's not that I don't like you. I- I just have never had these feelings before and I really don't know how to ac-"

Before I could finish, Brahms' lips were on mine. Small little tingles ripples over my lips and into my mouth. I wrapped my arms around Brahms neck taking in as much of him as I could.

When we finally broke away from each other, my cheeks felt as if they were on fire.

"Do be honest with me. I would never judge you for how you feel."

Those words made me want to melt. I smiled up at him and nodded, every square inch of my body was burning up.

Brahms walked past me, leaving me alone in the kitchen to tend to my thoughts.

I let out a breath once I was sure he was gone. I was left disappointed it was only just a kiss.

Mentally slapping myself for having such feelings, I took an apple out of the fruit basket on the counter and bit into it. Why did I feel this way over him?

I sat on the stool discouraged. My best bet was to leave before I could attach myself any more than I already have.
Here's a short little update for you.
It's been ten days since my last update and I know I'm not bringing much to the table so I apologize. This week has been extremely rough for me emotionally so I feel pretty lucky that I've updated at all. Please feel free to comment any questions you have on the story so far....Thank you so much for reading,

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