Chapter ten

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"Most of what you say can be read from the eyes"
- anonymous

Brahms' eyes burned at me through his mask. My body was stiff. His reaction was almost unreadable.

"Brahms I- I just wanted to apologize for-"

"You already apologized." Brahms' tone was still gruff and low. My hands trembled.

"Are you still angry with me?" I asked, my voice shaky and cracking.

Brahms cocked his head to the side. "Why do you care?" He asked.

He sounded like a petty teenager. I almost turned around. "Because I do." I responded.

Brahms let out a humorless chuckle. "You don't even know me."

I took a deep breath, "no. I don't know you, but that doesn't mean I don't want to." I took a step closer to him.

Brahms remained planted where he stood. His eyes watched me as I began to move towards him. A slight fear erupted in me. Was he going to strike me if I got to close?

At this point my head wasn't making rational decisions and I wasn't thinking anything through. "Brahms I-" I tried to finish my sentence but nothing would come out. What was I even going to say anyway?

I stopped once I was in Front of him. "You're embarrassed. But you don't have to be. To me you don't look any less normal than a random man on the street."

Brahms shook his head. "Lies. You're waiting to leave this place, to leave me."

Leave him? What did he mean? I'd have to leave this place eventually.

My cheeks began to burn as I shook my head back. "That's not true. And I'll prove it." I whispered.

Brahms tilted his head to the side.

I closed my eyes briefly, ignoring what my entire body was telling me not to do. I grabbed onto his shoulders, he didn't flinch or move. Seeing this, I pressed my lips gently on the porcelain mask.

Brahms became rigid under my touch. Embarrassment flooded through my veins as I realized what I had just done. I quickly pulled away and apologized. How could I have been so stupid? Why would I kiss him?

He didn't speak or move, but his eyes remained planted on me.

I broke eye contact and began to limp towards the ladder completely regretting what I had done. Why would I ever do that?

Brahms didn't move, I knew I probably disgusted him with my actions but at this point what could be worse? My ankle was still extremely sore, Brahms still wore his mask, and I didn't know really anything about him. I was a clueless prisoner in his house.

I began to climb up the ladder not wanting to stay in his eyesight any longer I needed time to myself to reflect my stupid decision of KISSING him.

"You shouldn't climb that ladder. Your ankle is still healing." Brahms spoke suddenly.

I turned my head to look at him. He was still standing in the same spot, in the same stance.

"This is the only way out." I argued back.

Brahms then walked over to me and held out his hand for me to grab. I was hesitant for a moment. He didn't seem angry with me anymore but I was still a little worried.

"There's a way out over there, no steps or anything."

His eyes remained glued to mine as I thought about what he had said. Why is this room even a thing? It gave me seriously bad vibes all around that Brahms was even in here in the first place. It seemed almost like a dungeon or some type of hidden room no one was supposed to know about.

After staring off into space for a few seconds, I then cautiously took Brahms hand and slowly climbed down the ladder rungs.

Brahms lightly grabbed my waist once I was on the ground. He then proceeded to lead me to a small flap in the opposite wall on the other side of the room. I walked with him, a little embarrassed by the closeness of it all.

His breathing was even and slow, which were the opposite of my quick and short breaths. What was wrong with me? Get yourself together Kátalin!

We finally made it to the wall flap, and he cautiously opened it, and pulled me inside. It was dark and musty, but I didn't utter a single word in complaints, I didn't need to tick him off anymore than I already had in the past 24 hours.

We walked slowly, me being dependent on him so I wouldn't fall. Once we made it to the foyer, Brahms continued to walk with me me up the stairs and into my room. My ankle wasn't as weak. I could walk on it which basically told me it that wasn't broken, just dislocated.

Brahms left after I was in bed. His odd actions didn't throw me off as I was used to them by now. I suppose I didn't like how private he was, always slinking around with no explanation. My cheeks burned as I thought about how I kissed his mask. He probably though I was weird after doing that. All I wanted to do was show him that I didn't care what he looked like. Looks like it backfired.

I tried to lay down and sleep, but Brahms strange room kept creeping into my mind. I had never seen such a thing. It was set up as if he stayed there. I had seen a bed in the corner and a sink on the other side.

Theories popped into my head the more I thought about it. Was Brahms really who I thought he was? Was he really the son of a wealthy couple? Or was he something else? All of these questions prevented me from getting anything but headaches. I really wanted to know what that room was for. I needed to know.

I decided then that if he was in a good mood, I'd ask him tomorrow.

I took a deep breath and snuggled into the covers. Tomorrow would hopefully be a better day.
I apologize for the short,very awkward chapter, and the fact that I'm almost three and a half weeks behind in updating. I was sick on and off from July 2nd to July 25th and due to some family events I had to take some time away from writing. I'm back now and should be for a while. I'm writing a long chapter for the next update since this one isn't very strong. Expect one sometime this week! As always thank you so much for reading!!!
- Ri

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