Chapter Twenty Six

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(I was really debating on it, but I ultimately decided to put it in here because it develops their relationship better. Please don't make fun of me I've already been cringing enough about it lol)

I couldn't believe I had done that, I felt awful, I felt sneaky.

I looked at Brahms once more.

He didn't move, he didn't speak.

Was he still upset with me?

"Brahms?" I asked this time more in a whisper.

His eyes radiated some unknown emotion and his face was stone. What was he thinking?

I shuffled my feet, scared to move towards him or even say anything. Brahms remained still.

He couldn't still be mad at me. I saved his house. I saved his life. Without me, he'd be stranded.

I began to slightly panic, he was unreadable which in turn frightened me beyond belief, "Listen, I was wrong to imply you were using me, and I'm sorry; but you can't just stand there looking at me like that."

He didn't move, he didn't even blink.

"Did you hear me?" I asked, my voice raising.

Still no movement.

"Brahms!" I yelled, anger beginning to rise up my throat.


"No "thank you?", No "I forgive you?" Nothing?!" I snapped.

Still nothing.

That was it. I stomped towards him, "Brahms! Answer me!" My biggest pet peeve was being ignored. It was something I personally couldn't handle.

He still didn't move, his eyes however were locked on mine.

Angry and hurt, I began to cry, the only thing I thought would help my situation, "I did this for you! I lied to someone for you! I went against every moral I had, for you!"

Still nothing.

I continued, my hurt extremely readable on my face, "I did this because I'm in love with you Brahms! It's helpless, hopeless, I'm trapped. I couldn't leave you if I wanted to because I wouldn't be able to live without you! It doesn't matter if you've been using me or not... I'd still come back. I'd still be right there waiting because I'm attached."

I paused for a moment to catch my breath, "and you? You just stand there, you hide in the shadows while I do all the work then appear when I'm finished. You weren't there to help me the entire time I was getting ready, and now you're standing here IGNORING ME!" I screamed.

My tears were hot and flowing down my face. Why did I always fly off of the handle? I huffed and ultimately stood still panting, waiting. Hoping for a response. But nothing came.

"Just say you don't care about me," I said as I let my head drop against his chest, "say something, tell me I'm not the person you want. Tell me to leave; but please, for the life of me, don't just stand there Brahms. That's almost as bad as the rejection."

My voice was cracked like a new chick peeping out of it's egg. I was tired, sore, stressed, and now hurt. Seeing he wasn't going to say anything, I gave up.
It stung me, how he could be so cold and distant and so unreadable. I knew I hurt him by assuming he was using me, but I never thought he'd ignore me like that; especially after saving his chances at keeping his house.

I couldn't handle being abandoned, I had been alone for so long, I've finally gotten a taste of being with someone and now I'm addicted.

As we stood there in complete silence, I wiped my tears. No use fighting this. Leave him alone.

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