Chapter Fifteen

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"It is very often our own vanity that deceived us."
                                                                 -Jane Austen

I grumpily threw myself over the couch in the library. My ankle was now feeling 110% better which allowed me to roam around the large house whenever I had the chance.

Brahms had been avoiding me since our last kiss but I wasn't complaining. Being around him made my head all fuzzy and I could never think straight. I needed to stay away from him. Every time I've ever gotten close to someone, I've ended up being the one burned. I refused to allow myself to let it happen again.

I heaved a deep sigh before sitting up and deciding on plucking a book from one of the bookshelves that surrounded the large room. I read it's title, "Pride and Prejudice." A small smile spread across my lips as I fingered the indented letters on the cloth cover. It had been so long since I had read one of Jane Austen's novels. Her books never seized to keep me enticed in it's plots.

I tucked both of my feet underneath the couch cushion for warmth as I began to read. I emptied my head of all troubles that had been plaguing my mind, and deflated into the world of the rich and the poor in England.

"That's an original copy from 1900."

My eyes snapped to the doorway, where Brahms stood looming a giant shadow across the floor. My cheeks immediately began to heat up.

"It's a good read." I said quietly, "have you read it?"

Brahms nodded slightly, "twice."

I raised my eyebrows, impressive.

"I've read every book in here at least twice." He continued.

My eyes widened. There were at least six hundred books inside this room alone.

"Oh." I said aloud more to myself than to Brahms.

"What's your opinion of Darcy?" Brahms inquired, changing the subject.

I thought to myself a moment before answering, "he's self centered and arrogant. Not to mention he played the martyr card too often-" I trailed off realizing Brahms face changed from curiosity to irritation.

"Maybe he was misunderstood?" Brahms offered, his voice sharp.

I shrugged, "okay? But what explains his behavior in the beginning when they're at the ball? The comments he made about and to Elizabeth were uncalled for."

Brahms pursed his lips for a moment. "People often insult each other to keep themselves from seeming vulnerable to them."

"So he's excused then?" I asked, slightly annoyed at Brahms' defending Mr. Darcy as if he wasn't a rich, stuck up prat.

"I'm just saying, people are flawed. They make mistakes. It's not necessarily good, but it's human."

I couldn't argue with that. Brahms was right.

"Okay, I see. What's your opinion of Elizabeth?" I asked.

"She's easily offended. Prideful as well."

"Well wouldn't you be offended, if someone proposed to you and then proceeded to remind you how much richer they were than you?" I countered, glaring in Brahms' direction.

Brahms chuckled, "I suppose I would."

"Then Elizabeth has a reason to be offended." I said crossing my arms.

Brahms hummed, "you're very passionate about this book. Why do you like it so much?"

I bit my lip. I had used that book to get away from my life far too often. It was a part of me. When my parents fought, when I was running away and hiding, that book was in my head. My special place to escape to.

"It's just beautifully written." I said.

Brahms cocked his head to the side, "I feel it's more than that."

"It's not important." I snapped. I didn't feel like getting into my past with Brahms.

"Kátalin. You can tell me." He said gently.

I shook my head, beginning to feel hot tears surface. Usually, something like this wouldn't make me cry, but I had been twice as emotional as I usually am this week.

Brahms swiftly came and sat beside me, "you can't keep all of these emotions built up all of the time."

I sniffed, trying my best not to break down. I missed my parents. I missed my life.

Brahms stayed still, waiting for me to spill.

I knew he wouldn't leave me alone unless I told him the truth.

"I used to read it to escape my life. The pain and hardship followed me, but I still had some way to escape it, even if it was just for a little while."

Tears were now streaming down my face. It had been so long since I had cried about my parents or about anything. I felt weak and vulnerable but I couldn't stop crying.

After a while, I felt arms wrap themselves around me. I shuddered as Brahms pulled me into him, gently shushing my small sobs.

I pushed my face into his chest to hide from myself. I hated being so vulnerable.

"I'm sorry." He whispered into my hair.

I took a shaky breath, as I calmed down. Crying always made it hard for me to breathe.

I must have fallen asleep against Brahms, because when I woke up, I was propped up against a pillow on the couch and covered with a blanket.

I yawned and rubbed my temples, feeling the ongoings of a headache.

The room was dark, except for the fireplace which lighted a small amount of the large room.

I rolled over and squeezed my eyes shut. I cried. Brahms comforted me.

I replayed the scenario over and over in my head and each time I became more and more embarrassed. My biggest rule was to never show my vulnerability. I really crashed and burned on that one.

I sat up and let my feet touch the cold hardwood beneath me. Going upstairs would be the ideal scenario, but I couldn't stop thinking about Brahms. Was he hiding in the walls again?

I quickly made my way to the foyer where the entrance in the walls stood. Reaching for the knob, I quickly turned it and shoved the door open. "Brahms?" I called out.
So here's chapter fifteen. It's a little shorter than I like, but I really just wanted to get something out there for you since I haven't updated in so long.

I'm feeling much better mentally and physically and I'm even almost done with chapter 16!! I would've updated a few days earlier, but I had a few things I needed to get done.

I read all of your comments on my last update and it brought me to tears. I can't get over how kind and understanding you are. I appreciate your patience and kindness.

Thank you again for reading,


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