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We arrive at a beautiful house that is colored light blue and has a huge garden with a pool. I could get used to this. We walk outside and I wait at the top step while Tori sorts things out with the parents. Tori looks at me and ushers me forward with her hand. I put on my best smile and come to the door.
"Hello my name is tris." I say politely while putting out my hand for them to shake. They both shake my hand. They have brown skin and the mother is seems very nice and pretty. They both give me huge smile then say " welcome to the family!" then they give me huge hugs!

After saying my good byes to Tori and talking about me starting at her high school, divergent high they tell me I should go get settled and meet my sister who is my age.

I walk upstairs and see a tall girl with tan dark skin and short dark brown hair she has really nice clothes and is really pretty. I find her leaning over the stair railing probably ease dropping when she sees me her eyes widen and she straightens out as if she was just standing there. I laugh a little and so does she. "Hi I'm tris" I say while I walk to the top of the steps revealing a hallway.
" Hi, Christina." She says smiling" hey where's all you luggage?" She asks curiously.

"Oh uhh I don't have any all I have with me is whats on my body" I say with a little laugh. Her eyes widen and then she lets out this high pitched squeal like noise and starts jumping up and down.

" We get to go shopping!!!!" She screams I laugh and nod

"I guess so!" I say

"Here let me fix your hair first.... There's nothing wrong with it, it's just could use a little finishing touches." She says.

I agree and she leads me to a bathroom with a bunch of hair stuff. First she flattens it then pulls to small pieces from both sides and pins them back. It's really pretty with my long blonde hair that reaches down to my lower back. We talk a lot and she says things about her school and how she can't wait for me to meet her friends.

"Ohhhh can I invite the girls to come shopping with us!!" She squeals

"Yah I would love to meet them!" I say excited that I'll be able to have friends when I start school.

"Here let me call them" she says and walks out the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror till she comes back. "here come on we are gonna go and pick them up! And get to see how much money you get for your shopping spree!!!" She says while dragging me down the stairs.

"Hey mom um we are going to have a shopping spree and we need A LOT of money cause she is gonna need a phone and clothes and makeup and-" she is cut if by her mom" yah I get it here you go" she says with a little laugh and hands me some money.

"Thank so much... Um" I start

"Call me mom" she says with a warming smile

"Thanks mom" I say and give her a big hug. Christina drags me out the house and into her car.

"How much money did she give you" she asks all excited... She is excited a lot. I hand her the money and she counts it then squeals." This enough to get you a car a phone and a new wardrobe!!!!"

I smile at her and we drive of to her friends houses. To be honest I don't really know how to drive a car but I can drive a motorcycle! So that will work. We pick up all the girls and there names are Marlene, Shauna, and Lynn. The whole way to the mall we laugh and talk about random stuff and they seem really cool.
We enter the mall and Christina takes a dramatic breathe of air and twirls around " isn't beautiful" she says

We laugh and I nod my head. After we basically go to every single store in the mall I have dresses, shirts ,crop tops ,jeans ,shorts ,a bunch of shoes, make up , a new I phone 5c , and all the other things im gonna need. I still have a lot of money left so I can get a motorcycle!

"Ok now to get you a super cool car!" Marlene says.

"Actually I only know how to ride a motorcycle" I say

"Ohhhh a bad girl ride" Shauna says with a little laugh.

" I have always wanted to ride a motorcycle!!" Lynn says I laugh

" Well nows your chance lets go get me one!" I say

We walk back to Christina's car and she drives us to a car dealership. I get a black and red Kawasaki. And I LOVE IT. Christina Marlene and Shauna ride in Christina's car and me and Lynn ride the motorcycle. We must have looked crazy at the red lights because we were going crazy fast and screaming and whooping like crazy.

When we reach the house the girls help me put everything away then we collapse onto my bed and decide we are going to have a sleep over and go to school tomorrow together. The night was really fun we stayed up till 12 but Christina said we should sleep or she will have bags or something. I'm kinda nervous but the girls make me feel better. They mentioned that they were pretty popular. Also that I should stay away from Eric,Peter,Lauren, and Molly. But I know I can handle my self I may be small but I am lot stronger then they would think. I fall asleep with a smirk plastered on my face.

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