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Jason's POV

I have an addiction. I know what I did is wrong but, how HOW do I live without tris she's gonna be going home soon and leaving me here lonely and by myself. I mean I know I'm good looking. And I know girls want me I mean who wouldn't I guess tris. But I refused to give up she is my one and only love and we have been through way too much to just not be together. I mean i've known her for ever how can she not have feelings for me and why did she then but she doesn't now. It's all that stupid fours fault. This won't be the last time I see tris. I swear on it.

Tris POV

I can't wait to get back home and to go to school. Wait rewind did I really just say that. Me..I and excited to go to school. You know what it's true I can't wait. I would scream it at the top of the highest mountains. Out of nowhere I just scream "IM EXCITED TO GO BACK TO SCHOOL" everyone looks at me and I have wide eyes for a second but then shrug it off.

"It was more of a inside comment" I say looking back at the TV. We all gathered around the couch
after me Christina, Marlene and Shauna all finished our breakfast.

"You know so am I. I just wanna get out of here." Christina said

Everyone else seemed to agree. I thought about and realized we leave tomorrow so we need to make the best of today.

Time skip to Tomorrow Morning

We ended up doing nothing all yesterday except for sleep watch tv and talk a little. It was nice that we went out with a bang huh.

It was a good thing I guess since we had to wake up early this morning to pack and get ready to go. I'm so happy were leaving though just to be away from all the drama like Jason.

It wasn't that hard saying goodbye to Jason....because I didn't. I mean I don't want to be rude or anything and I did used to actually love him but maybe just not in the way I love Tobias. I really hope he finds someone else and that he gets over me because there's a lot of more fish in the sea who would be lucky to go out with him. Because he is actually a great person and he will treat you right.

Once we arrive at the airport, and finish all of the check in boring annoying stuff we get to board the plane I sit next to four obviously and I hold his hand because I know he's still a little scared.

During the flight for falls asleep so I see this as my opportunity to rest my eyes too. I start to dream at first it's nothing just me and my friends at school all hanging out but then Britney shows up. Lynn hugs her like she is her best friend. Britney looks the exact same but with wings. I don't trust her and I notice the boys do like to stare at her. I glare at Tobias and the girls do the same to their boyfriend they all clear their throats and try to look at anything but her. Lynn starts to walk with Britney and we follow she leads us downstairs all the way to the basement no one even notices because they are focused on her. We walk all the way down. Britney stops and looks at us with a evil smirk Cher wings grown from her back make nasty and loud noises she starts to fly off the ground and as soon as she dose so we are falling. The floor completely disappeared from under their feet I instantly shoot awake feeling hot.

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