Chapter 15

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As they arrived at home the sun started rising. Tyler just wanted to go to sleep, his mate in his tired arms.

He carried her up the stairs and into their room. As precautionary measure Tyler pushed his bed to the wall so she could not escape so easily while laying in bed together.

Tyler placed his mate under the blankets, then he laid down on top of her in his wolf form.

It was a common werewolf practice to do so when a wolf male was scared of losing his mate due to various causes.

The wolf's heightened senses and body weight hold the she wolf in place. With a human mate it was even more easy because they weren't as strong.

For hours Eros laid there, not really sleeping, just resting so nothing could happen, with more precise words, so Ava couldn't escape again.

As she started to stir he stretched and completely laid down on top of her.

Eros front paws next to her head, his on her stomach and his back paws next to her ankles. His wolf form was almost as tall as her human body (reference in the picture).

It took Ava a little while to wake up but as she opened her eyes and saw the enormous wolf on top of her she started to scream.

Eros winced at the sound. It was too high-pitched for his sensitive ears.

He tried to calm her by licking over her face but that didn't work either.

To Ava it was unbelievable that a wolf laid on top of her. A wolf! Where did that animal come from?!

She tried to carefully remove herself from under the big animal but nothing worked.

As she started to look around the room for anything to help her it came to her.

She was back in Tyler's home.

Oh no.

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