Unfinished Chapter 19 + Author's Note(s)

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Hello, I'm sorry for the long wait for anything from me—happy new year and death to 2020. I'm so happy that all of you have survived with me. Before I get into some big rant about my plans for this book, here's what I have written for Chapter 19. It's not great, but hopefully, it's a little better than just leaving you off at a huge cliffhanger. 


Soon after the yell, Tom found himself face to face against half a dozen soldiers as they rushed towards the trio, fully prepared to pounce onto their prey. Tom was instantly overwhelmed as they jumped onto him, one after another until he was buried underneath them all. A large pile of bodies sat where Tom once stood as they giggled and snickered in their own sort of joy. The joy of finally taking down Tom by using the doggy-pile tactic had been used before, but it had never been this effective, at least that's what they thought before the voice of Tom made everyone fall silent.

"Hey! What was that all about?" All eyes went from the heap to watch Tom walk out from behind Pat. Most expressions expressed confusion or maybe even fear, but the Blue Soldiers only wore disappointment.

"Aw~ Blue! You know that's cheating!" The whole of the small blue force whined in unison, but Tom's only answer was a shrug. The pile of rebels shifted as they rolled out onto the floor to continue whining their struggles to their leader, who didn't seem to want to give them the time of day.

"If you guys stopped pulling those stupid stunts, then I wouldn't have to 'cheat,' now would I?" Their response was to sit up, pout, and grumble to themselves, which they somehow still did in unison.

Pat glanced from Tom to his soldiers over to Paul before whispering, "Hey, do you remember if Blue Army was that one army that was made up entirely of cultists? Because I'm starting to think this is the same army..."

"Um..." Paul looked around but didn't really know what to say, especially because it looked like their conversation gained Tom's attention.

"Cult? Well, I mean, I've been trying to get them to leave behind their past ways, but there is only so much I can do to reform a bunch of dimwitted, insane idiots who waltzed around worshiping a phone and some rando's supposed 'prophecies.' But, hey, a man can try." Tom shrugged a final time before something in his group of soldiers seemed to click.

"Hey!" And once again, they were all in unison. All of which is quite the accomplishment since there were six of them, not including Tom.

A single voice spoke up from the group, "What about Dave, huh?"

Tom's eye sockets narrowed as he turned to the one who had spoken, "Leave Dave out of this."

Unsurprisingly, it was Elijah, "We both know he was one of us once. You tricked him into joining your side."

Tom flinched, "Dave loves me. I don't expect you to understand that."

Pat interrupted before Elijah could respond, "Wait, Tom, you have a boyfriend?"

Tom's gaze shifted to Pat, a revolted look on his face, "Dave and I aren't dating. That would be disgusting. I'm not- He's not- We're not-" Evidently, Tom couldn't continue. He had no words for his level of hatred for the thought of dating Dave. 


Okay, I know that wasn't a lot, nor was it really that good, so here are some of the plans I had for the next couple of chapters. Some of this is spoilers because I don't plan on changing a ton in the rewritten book, though I will warn you that I do plan on making everyone as human as possible, which means that they make mistakes, they have feelings, and they can break. It should be fun. Anyway, here's a couple of plans that I had so you don't have to come and hunt me down because you were unsatisfied with the unfinished story of Chapter 19. 

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