~Chapter 18~

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He looked out over the land that would soon be his to rule, a crazed laugh escaping him. The red-tinted window only proved his point further because, by the time he was done, everything would be painted red either in his victory or in his enemies' blood. After all, everything was going to plan, and the only things left would be to get the huge hunk of metal back to the base and put the final part of his plan into action. Already drunk on the possibility of power, the man turned away from the flaming scene because there was no one left to stop him, at least, that's what he thought. A blue harpoon whistled through the air before striking at the heart of the robot. As it pierced through the red-painted metal, the weapon hit true and took the flying maniac out of the sky. However, it narrowly missed the man inside. Somehow, he dodged the harpoon that should have been his fatal doom, but he couldn't do anything to survive the fall. Time seemed to stop before gravity appeared not to affect them as they spiraled towards the ground. The last thing Tord heard was a final whisper past his lips, "Dritt." Boom.

The red door flew open with a resounding bang as Pat barged into Red Leader's personal quarters, also known as his bedroom. "Tord Red Aspen-Rose! What the actual fuk were you thinking!?"

"What?" Tord jolted awake, drenched in sweat, but no one heard him over Pat's yelling.

"You don't just go around- You can't just- No! Just no!"

"What did I do?" Tord blinked, trying to make sense of the situation, but his brain wasn't awake enough to figure anything out.

Paul came running in behind Pat, panting and heaving as he stood hunched over, hands on his knees, trying to breathe and talk at the same time. "Pat- *pant* Pat stop- *pant* He doesn't- *pant* Remember- *pant* My god, I missed you. *pant* Haven't run like that in so *pant* fucking *pant* long." Paul shifted to lean up against the door and catch up with the breath Pat stole from him, but it seemed as though Pat wasn't going to let him have it back so easily. Besides, he was too tired for this sh*t.

"And I'm sorry about that, but I still can't stand for this. What he did," a quick gesture towards Red Leader, "was not okay. It will never be okay."

"Yeah, yeah, *pant* I know. BUT he has no fucking clue what you are talking about. You need to-"

"Language, Paul!" Paul earned himself a painful smack to the back of his head.

"-Calm down. OW! Pat! You were swearing too!" Paul whined while he rubbed the back of his stinging head, a small, almost unnoticeable smile on his face.

"Excuse you! My fuk didn't have a 'c!'"

"What the hell is going on here?" Tord decided to pipe up again at a horrible time as the pair turned their sights on him.

"Tord. Shut. Up." They said in almost perfect unison, and out of pure shock, Tord complied.

"We are having an adult conversation, so be an adult and don't butt in." Paul huffed and turned back to Pat. "Now, Pat, he has no fuking clue what you are talking about, and seeing how you haven't eaten in hours, your blood sugar is low. So, how about we go and get a bite to eat? Sound good?"

"Hmph. Fine. But I'm still upset with both of you, so you are buying me ice cream." And with that, Pat turned to leave the room, grabbing hold of Paul's arm on his way out.

Paul didn't complain about Pat's action as he was forced to follow him down the connecting hall between the two bedrooms. "But, Pat, we get free ice cream on the base-"

"I don't care if we get 'free ice cream,' you are going to buy me ice cream, and that is the end of it."

"Fine, fine. I guess I'll get you your stupid ice cream."

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