~Chapter 13~

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Tom shifted to turn in Tord's grasp. "Huh, did you want something?" Tord glared down at Tom, his breathing hot on Tom's cheeks. Tom pretended like their closeness didn't bother him as he shrugged and turned back to the cupboards again.
Tord could feel his anger rising as Tom turned away from him again. Tom didn't look afraid in the slightest, and it was pissing Tord off. How dare Tom treat him like this?! He is Red Leader after all. No one can treat him like he didn't exist. Tord grabbed hold of Tom's shoulders and spun Tom to face him. Tord's eyes were ringed with red and entirely focused on Tom.
Tom hadn't been expecting Tord to grab hold of him, and Tord's touch was giving him bad vibes. He started to feel trapped as Red Leader kept him pinned to the counter's edge. The granite was beginning to dig into his back when Tom had to get Tord off of him. Tom let his hands wander up Tord's chest while he smiled up at Red Leader smugly. That certainly got the reaction Tom was expecting. A mix of shock and surprise as Tord's grip loosened. Tom's hands paused as he shoved Tord off of him and slipped into the shadows underneath him.
Tord continued to be shocked as his surprise morphed into confusion as he watched Tom sink into the floor like it was quicksand, swallowing him whole. Tord's eyes quickly scanned his surroundings, searching for his soldier. He couldn't find any trace of Tom other than the mess he made of the kitchen. Tord got to his feet, confusion the only feeling he knew, and walked out of the room, still searching for Tom. It didn't make sense; how could Tom just disappear like that. It wasn't possible for someone to just do that. Sink directly into a solid floor. How the hell did one go about doing that? It didn't make any sense. Now out in the cafeteria, Tord happened to glance out of the large window to see Tom. Tom's arms wrapped tightly around his torso, shivering outside in the cold. How the hell?
Tom found himself outside once again. The chill found him too quickly. Tom glanced around, searching for an entrance only to find a solid wall everywhere he looked. He found himself rubbing his hands up and down his arms, trying to get warm. How is it already so f*ckin' cold?! It was barely 4:00! What is up with this awful weather?! A chill ran up Tom's spine, and Tom desperately continued to search for a way back in. Then a thought came to mind. He could just go back in the way he came out. Without a second thought, Tom fell into the shadow at his feet. Less than a second later, he appeared once again in the mess once known as the cafeteria.
Tord watched Tom look around in vain before an idea seemed to light up his entire manner. Tord proceeded to watch Tom sink into the ground beneath him and rise again inside of the building. Who the f*ck is this guy?! How the f*ck did he just do that?! I have to know, and I have to know now. Tord took multiple steps closer to Tom until Tom was within reach. Tom spun around to meet Tord with white eyes. But before Tord was able to reach him, Tom was sinking into the floor again, away from Tord. Tord's mood was already erratic, but everything Tom did seemed to set Tord off further down rampage road. "Get the f*ck back here!" Tord's tone told anyone within a mile radius that he was pissed and whoever caused it was undoubtedly going to pay dearly.

~Less than a few minutes later~

Tom found himself in a familiar room. Motel paintings sat perched at eye level on the bland white walls. It was his room or at least the room that had been so graciously gifted to him. To be honest, the room may not have been Tom's style or anything close to comfortable, but Tom felt a sense of safety and relief here. It was a small sanctuary. Tom didn't know how or why he came here, but somehow he felt relaxed as he released his stress in a drawn-out breath and collapsed onto the bed. The sheets were still sprawled out and around the room, and the mattress was off-center, but Tom couldn't care less. At least, that was until he remembered last night and his plan of escape.
Tom reluctantly sat up and looked at his muddy, bloody hoodie who lay in a sad bundle in the corner of the room. Though it was in such bad shape, the familiar color and texture helped Tom relax further. Tom slipped his hand into his pocket and grabbed hold of a small slip of paper. Unfolding it, Tom ran his finger over the scrabbled out ink of a plan. It wasn't much, but at least he had something. Tom refolded and creased the paper a few more times out of habit before pushing it back into his hoodie pocket. He held his hoodie closer to his chest and told it a small apology for all that it has been through, before folding it and placing it on the floor of the empty closet.
Now that was over with, Tom had the sudden urge to talk to Edd. His only issue is that he had no way of doing so, at least he thought so until he remembered that his phone had been with him the night before. Tom looked around the room, checking anywhere and everywhere for his phone only to find it had disappeared. He couldn't remember putting it down, but he must have if he had started planning his escape. Where the f*ck had he put his d*mn phone? Then footsteps could be heard walking close to his room's door. A familiar sound echoed through Tom's head, a voice that Tom could never forget.
"Where oh where is my little Thomas~ You can't hide forever, min lille kattunge." The tone portrayed Red's sinister smirk, and Tom felt the need to run and hide. Tom mentally slapped himself. Why the f*ck was he going around trying to run with his tail tucked between his legs at such a d*ck move? He was better than that. No matter what Red did to him, not even Red Leader could break Thomas Gardener no matter how much he tried to. Then the telltale clicking of his door being unlocked set an arrow of fear right through Tom's heart. Before the door itself could reveal the devil himself, Tom was already slipping into the shadow of his bed, running far away from any sort of confrontation.
The darkness was as enveloping as always, seeming to seep into Tom's very being, but Tom found a way out as soon as he could. It wasn't as far as he wanted from his room, but it was far enough. An unknown red room was where Tom found himself. Red walls, dark wooden flooring, a large red bed, a bookshelf of questionable thin white books, and lewd posters, which Tom avoided making direct eye contact with. Where the hell was he? Something about the room reminded him of someone then Tom's eyes fell upon a framed newspaper article. "RED LEADER ATTACKS-" Of course, this was Red's room. It made sense, after all, who else could be as big of a pervert than Red Leader himself. Tom didn't know of anyone else who could be more disgusting.
The second Tom started to feel comfortable, or even a little bit safe, familiar footsteps could be heard stomping their way closer to him. They neared the doorway far too quickly. It appeared that Tom couldn't get far enough away from Red Leader since he had already found Tom's hiding place. Again, Tom had a fight within himself about how to react, and again, Tom slipped into the familiar darkness to escape milliseconds before Red could find him. This time, Tom spent a little more time among the blackness to find an entrance farther from the man he was running from.
This room was a little darker than usual, but that only meant that Tom had more possibilities of escape. Out from under a bunk bed, Tom saw that he was in one of the many barracks. The room itself seemed deserted, but as Tom listened a little harder, he heard the sound of ragged breathing. Ducking to check under the beds, Tom found a young soldier cowering in the corner farthest from the only door, well, the only door for anyone aside from Tom. It seemed like the recruit hadn't noticed Tom's presence yet, so Tom took a tentative step towards them and spoke with a soft tone.
"Hey," They looked up and flinched. Good Jehovah, what did Red do to his recruits? Doesn't he know that fear can only get you so far? "Don't worry. I'm not here to hurt you." They visibly relaxed before looking up with guarded eyes. "What's your name?"
"Jordan Oaks, s-sir." The stutter at the end didn't faze Tom but left him to the thoughts of what Red could have possibly done to enlist this much fear in his soldiers. Loyalty isn't built on the unstable foundation of fear, even the most insane person should have learned that by now, but I guess I found the only exception to that rule. Why must there always be an exception?
"Okay, Jordan, how long have you been in this army?" Jordan's eyes looked up, thinking back before they responded that they had only been here for a little over three weeks. Good Jehovah. What did Red do to this poor kid?
A few seconds passed as the two of them glanced from each other to the room around them, the awkward silence rising. At least until a familiar set of boots came stomping down the hallway. Well, here we go again.
Hey... so I know that it's been forever since I've updated. A whole two months and that is pretty insane. Sorry about that. Well at least I have something for you now, I guess? Oh well, life has just been a pain as in late so I hope you guys understand. Anyway, how have y'all been doing? Hopefully well, but you never know. Just so you know that I wasn't just sitting here doing nothing, I actually know where the story is going so all of y'all won't have to worry about that. That also means that I can start using foreshadowing so if you catch anything or have any ideas of what's going to happen, do comment I will totally not steal your ideas... anyway, I hope that life has been well and will continue to do so. I'm going to get back to doing school so I'll talk to you guys later. Hopefully it's soon but no promises.

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