~Chapter 4~

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Tom sat on the comfortable bed in discomfort. He had no clue what to do besides sit here, in this strange room, alone. At least before, Tom had his soldiers. Sure, they were loud and crazy, but that was what he loved about them most. They were his wild and crazy children, and that's all that matters. Still, he didn't have anything to entertain himself with. The least 'Red Leader' could have done was give him a tv or something. He'd even take a board game at this point. 

At least in his old room, Tom'd have Susan. The lovely bass that he could be playing and singing his heart out with. Tom would even play in front of Matt or Edd to see Susan again. Oh God, he wished they could all go back to the good old days. The ones where instead of fighting and leading an army, they would sit in front of their old telly or play stupid, dumb games in the living room. Tom felt a small tear leak from his eye, and he angrily wiped it away, not wanting to show weakness, ever. It didn't matter if he was alone; his enemy's base still trapped him in reinforced walls. For all he knew, cameras were watching his every move and knowing his enemy, there probably were. Tom rubbed his eyes, feeling more angry tears wanting to stream from his sockets. But instead of being back home, safe and sound, he was stuck in his worst enemy's base. The dreaded Red Army, and now, he was working for their leader.

"I'm such an idiot. How could I have let us get caught?" Tom grumbled to himself.

"BuZz BUzZ!" Tom felt a vibration coming from his back pocket, and he reached behind him and pulled the cause of the vibrating out. It was his phone! He could try to call Edd! But, wait a second, why would the dreaded Red Army let him keep his phone? But then the text message caught his eye. It was from Edd! Pulling him entirely from his thoughts, he unlocked his phone and texted back to his friend.


Tom: Okay, okay. Don't freak out, but I may be at our worst enemy's base being forced to join them.

Edd: What do you mean our worst enemy's base?! PLEASE DON'T TELL ME YOU ARE AT THE RED ARMY'S BASE!! As in RED LEADER'S BASE!!!

Tom: Maybe...


Tom: Hey, don't blame me here. I didn't get much control in the matter. And besides is trying to get you to stay calm in this serious matter that big of a deal? Is it really too much to ask of a friend like you?

Edd: YES! Especially in the situation you've put us in! Do you know how long we have been searching for you and your team? Two fucking days! DO YOU KNOW HOW THAT FEELS! TO THINK THAT YOUR FRIEND IS DEAD OR WORSE!!

Tom: Edd. Calm down. It's okay. Don't worry about us, alright? I have some of our best soldiers with me, and we will be out of here before you know it.

Edd: But what happens if you get caught?!

Tom: Then, I'll just find another way.

Edd: You could die!

Tom: I've cheated death before. I'll be fine.

Edd: You better hope you will be, 'cause I'M GOING TO KICK YOUR SORRY ARSE WHEN YOU GET BACK HERE!

Tom: So no welcome party then?

Edd: -_-

Tom: Is that a no?

Edd: No shit, Sherlock

Tom: Shut your mouth, Watson.

Tom: I'll talk to you later.

Edd: Please come back safely. I'd better not find your sorry ass on my doorstep dead. Otherwise, we might start having some problems

Tom: ASDF Safe. Don't worry about me.

Edd: Oh, but I will...

Tom sighed. He had lied to Edd about coming back. Even if Tom managed to escape, he has no f*cking clue where he is beside the fact that the Red Army Base is impossible to get out of the second you get in. He sighed again. Well, they said getting in was impossible, so maybe getting out of here won't be as hard as I might think. My only option now is to try.

Tom began planning out his escape. Luckily, he found a pen and a notepad inside the bedside dresser. He figured that if he was able to find one of Red Leader's enemies, hopefully, one of the Rebellion's allies, then they might be able to rescue him and his soldiers. Then, they could take him and his soldiers back to the Rebellion Base, and they would be free. Sure, Red Leader might have put trackers on them, but they had Techs that could turn them off. Seemed easy enough, I mean, how hard could it be? 

Tom tore off the paper he had written his plan on and left the pen and notepad back in the drawer. He folded the small paper and shoved it into his pocket. He shrugged off his hoodie and slipped under the covers of the too comfortable bed. Still, it helped him ease off into sleep, letting whatever the next hellish day brought come to pass sooner rather than later.

~Time Skip~


The annoying alarm clock flew across the room and slammed into the wall causing it to shatter into a million pieces. Tom shoved his face back into his pillow and screamed his lungs out. Ah, what a lovely way to wake up!

After a few minutes it took to calm down his breathing, Tom finally got up out of the bed that most certainly wasn't his and would never be his. He sluggishly walked over to the closet doors and swung them open. Inside the closet of wonders held pretty much precisely what Tom expected. Nothing. He looked around it a little bit more to try and see if there happened to be any clothes hiding anywhere, but once again, there was nothing to be found. So, he turned around and figured he would wear the outfit he wore yesterday, and the day before that, and so on. It's comfy, and he hates doing laundry, so why not. Tom pulled the hoodie he had left on the floor before turning back towards the bed to notice a set of nicely folded clothing sitting there, unnoticed. How did I miss those? They were literally right at my feet and would have been in my sight at almost all times. Why am I so oblivious to things like this? Tom sighed and walked over to the pile. He took a closer look to notice a light red sticky note sitting on it.

This is your new uniform. Please make sure to be wearing it when I come to pick you up. -Red

Tom rolled his eyes as he ripped off the sticky note and crumpled it up. He threw it to a place where it belonged, the nearest trash can. Tom then picked up the clothing, and walked into the room the Red A**hole had dubbed as the 'bathroom.' Yeah, like it wasn't clear enough already, idiot.

Tom walked inside and took a look around the room. It was a significantly larger bathroom than Tom was used to. A new looking toothbrush and an unopened box of toothpaste sat on the counter. He set his new 'uniform' on the same surface and began to get ready for what only was going to be a long day.


Hello, all. So, quick update, I may or may not be able to get a chapter out tomorrow, but I will certainly try. Tomorrow is going to be a hectic day for me. I hope that you have all enjoyed what has been written so far. We are starting to differ from the original writing, but I'm still in cahoots with the original writer, and I have full permission to do this. Plus we are going to start getting more into detail with the story rather than skipping through a lot of it. I have tons of ideas, and they probably won't be running out any time soon. I have my secret weapon, after all. *Wink* 

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please let me know if there are any grammar or spelling errors because I suck at spelling and am mediocre at grammar. Have a fantastic day, and please vote, comment your thoughts, share with your friends, and follow me cause I could always use a new friend. Hopefully, see you tomorrow with a new chapter. 

My Secretary *On Hold* [TomTord/TordTom]Where stories live. Discover now