~Chapter 14~

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Everything was perfect. Everything had fallen right into place. Everything was excellent, at least, that's what he thought before the sound of a siren went off. The soldier immediately flipped, knowing that they had found him, learned his secret, and he would be captured very soon. He tried to flee the red-tinted lab only to find the doors had been sealed shut and locked tight. He had no idea what the code was. He had no idea what was going on. All he knew was that if he didn't find a way out of here fast, he was dead meat.

Every minute that passed only led to cause him to panic further. He searched every corner of the expansive room, and he had no idea what to do to escape. Every plan he could come up with in his crazed state would only lead to failure. Finally, his fear spiked, and he curled up into a ball under a desk facing away from the main door and had the worst panic attack of his life. Nothing went to plan. Nothing made sense. Nothing was perfect. Everything was wrong. He was going to die a slow and excruciating death, and he could do nothing to stop it other than wait and pray they wouldn't find him.

He stayed under the desk for long enough that his legs and back were cramping up horribly, and he questioned whether he would be able to run if he got out from under the desk. And just as he had worked up the courage to get up and stretch, the main door slid open. He had expected that he would have gotten some sort of warning before the door opened by the sound of someone putting the code in, but it just opened, no warning sounds, nothing. The only person who might have been able to do something like that would have been- but it couldn't be- If his thoughts were right, then he was undoubtedly screwed. Red Leader himself had just walked into the lab, and this little soldier was going to die a horrible, painful death.

Even though he knew all of these thoughts were true, his curiosity overruled his fear. No one had seen Red Leader's real face as it had always been hidden behind a heavy helmet and conveniently placed shadows. The only thing he knew was Red Leader's notorious anger issue, and he wanted to know more. How exactly did one man raise an army so quickly and take over most of the world in such a short time? He had to know, so the soldier peaked through a small hole placed in the desk for computer cords, and his eyes fell upon the dreaded Red Leader.

Well, that wasn't what he was expecting. A very much nude man stood in the doorway, only wearing a pair of boxers. The soldier wasn't able to tell much else about the man due to the horrible lighting, but that was certainly not what he expected Red Leader to look like. Not some barely clothed man who would so quickly show weakness. Though the soldier knew that he shouldn't underestimate Red Leader, he knew that this would be his only chance to take him down. Red Leader was bound to have plenty of information, and his boss would be so much happier if he brought the leader of the biggest, badest army back alive. Something in the back of his mind told him this was a horrible idea, but he ignored the voice and set to work. He felt down to his dart gun and gently pulled it out along with a set of darts, just in case he missed his first shot. The soldiers he had trained with in the past had told him that he had the best aim out of all of them and probably the entire army so he couldn't possibly miss, especially with so much exposed skin. He placed the dart, aimed, and took his shot. The dart flew on the right path, an invisible enemy, but before it could land, a hand flew out and caught it. The man was shocked. He had never seen someone grab a dart from mid-air, let alone watch someone do it with so much grace and without hardly any thought. Who was this man?

The close to nude Red Leader held the dart in one hand, looking it over and realizing that it was very likely he was going to die, the soldier took cover and hid among the shadows. After a few seconds of not hearing any movement. He peaked out again to see Red Leader shrug and toss the dart behind him. The strange thing was, the dart flew less than a foot before it was stuck in mid-air, it began swaying back and forth, and a figure blinked in and out of existence where the dart hit. Finally, the only now visible man fell into Red Leader's arms, unconscious. What the hell just happened?

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