~Chapter 11~

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Every soldier hid from Red Leader in an underground bunker in an undisclosed location near the main base. It was one of the few places that Red Leader himself had no idea where it was, but he did know it existed somewhere. That fact only added to the fear suffocating the large room and the soldiers inside of it. The most affected were the recruits who were the most confused since they had never seen their leader act like that. They had not experienced Tord's rage after someone pushed him too far. They were too innocent for this and because Pat and Paul knew that they were the one separating them from the rest of the soldiers and calming them down. The 17 soldiers were one of the larger groups of recruits that the main Red Army base had gotten in a while. Now that the Red Army had grown so much, most soldiers were needed on the front lines instead of by Red Leader's side, which made Tord's decision to keep Tom's group of rebels all the stranger. Red soldiers shuffled and whispered among themselves as they waited for something to happen. Code 36 was a big deal around here, and everyone could see that even if most of them didn't exactly know what the code meant other than 'run like hell away from Red Leader.' But before long, Pat stood on one of the few scattered chairs and got the attention of everyone he could.

"HEY! EVERYONE!" Most of the soldiers around him turned to face Pat, but the majority were still conversing with themselves. Pat tried again to get their attention but still couldn't, so Paul took the lead and grabbed the microphone that he had on him at all times.

He yelled, "SHUT UP!!!" That certainly gained the attention of the rest of the soldiers. Now that every soldier in the room had turned towards them, Paul cleared his throat and gestured towards Pat. "Okay, my job is done. Pat your turn." Paul then passed the megaphone over to Pat, who quietly thanked him before speaking.

"Okay, so now that everyone has calmed down, let's get down to business. For all of you who have never experienced this before, you are now in the bunker used to keep us safe from our dear old leader. As most of you know, he has some serious anger issues, and this is one of the many ways we have to keep our soldiers safe from occasions like these. Now, from our cameras, we can tell that Tord is calming, and it seems to be safer to go out, but before we know for sure, we have to send in a scout. Now, who would like to volunteer?" The entire room was silent for a few seconds before some poor soul looked up from the safety of the floor to meet Pat's gaze. Pat's smile widened with a subtle hint of menace. "Looks like we have our first volunteer."

~A little rewind for Tom's perspective~

In the corner of the large room was a well-known group of miscreants. Tom leaned up against the wall and sighed, leaning his head back against the hard concrete. His bare skin tried desperately to stay warm when it was faced against the freezing wall. Tom's soldiers sat or stood around him as they waited for Blue to do something. Elijah had been placed against one wall was the group waited for him to regain consciousness. Annie looked around the group and realized that they were all thinking the same thing. The only difference was that they were having a significantly harder time hiding it by trying to keep their eyes away from staring directly at Tom. So, Annie figured that she might as well do her part and address the elephant in the room. "Hey, Blue?" Tom grunted in response, but otherwise, he didn't move. "I was just wondering... what exactly happened back there? You know, between you and Red?" Tom sighed again but didn't answer.

"Blue?" Tom peeked out of one eye to see Colby staring at him with concerned eyes. Tom slumped a little lower and sighed for the third time.

"Honestly, I have no idea what happened. I think I just went a little too far." His tiny army had their eyes trained on him the second Tom began to speak.

After a few seconds of silence, the group started to get restless. They had to know more, but before they could ask more questions, they heard a loud yell. "SHUT UP!!!" The cry grabbed the attention of the group, and even Tom turned to face the voice. They all watched in silence as Pat said his speech and chose his first victim. Then they all turned back to Tom with even more curious expressions. What exactly had Tom done to cause something as serious as this?

~Wittle Time Skippy~

Tom hid in the crowd as best he could from his ravenous soldiers. They had pushed him too far for information, and the best option Tom had was to run. Hiding in the large crowd did nothing for him, Tom knew that undoubtedly. He also knew that the only way out was to cause a distraction. It took a good second before he realized that he didn't need a distraction, at least not something too big, To just needed to blend in with the crowd for a little while longer before he could put his plan into action.

Tom looked around him and could see his soldiers stalking the large crowd. He took notes about who was where and what places he would have to avoid. And after a few seconds, the sound of Pat's voice made Tom's soldiers freeze because moving would lead to being noticed by Pat and sent out into the unknown known as the surface. That was when Tom started to shuffle through the crowd. Since everyone's attention was either within themselves or centered towards Pat, it made Tom's travel more manageable.

Soon enough, Tom was next to Paul, and so he put his next step into action. "Hey." Tom lightly poked Paul's shoulder. Paul glanced over towards Tom with questioning eyes.

"What do you want?"

"I was just wondering if I can volunteer to join with the next group?" Paul looked around and glanced up at Pat, but he was alone. Perfect.

"Um... Well, it's not in my jurisdiction to give you a genuine answer, but..." Paul trailed off and looked longingly at Pat. Pat could save all of his problems, but Pat was busy and couldn't save him from Tom's questioning. "I guess? I don't know. Ask Pat. He can help you much more than I can."

Tom smiled, and Paul didn't know how to respond. Then, Pat stopped speaking and started looking for his next group of victims. Tom had to hurry this up before his soldiers caught on. "Don't worry. I think I have my answer. I'll be right back." Tom turned away and walked over to the only exit, a large metal door that looked very similar to the bank vaults usually shown in movies. Two large soldiers stood guard and looked at Tom with suspicion as he walked over solemnly.

"What do you want?" The soldier on the right looked Tom over with more and more confusion every second Tom stood in front of them. It was probably since Tom still wasn't wearing anything other than a pair of boxers. Tom had almost forgotten about that fact but figured that he might as well use it to his advantage.

"Well, Pat picked me to go up to the surface." The two soldiers looked back and forth between Tom and each other. Their expressions stayed neutral, but their eyes showed their apparent confusion.

"I thought Pat picked Joey. Why would Pat need you to go up?" The left one spoke up.

"He also wanted me to grab a uniform since it's so cold down here." Tom shrugged and pretended to look like he'd prefer to stay, but since orders are orders, he had to go up and follow them. The two looked back at each other and Tom before figuring that if Pat were giving the command, they would have to follow or suffer the consequences. No one wanted to cross Pat. The right soldier turned their back and began pressing buttons on a metal keypad Tom hadn't noticed before. After they pushed around six keys, the keyboard slid up to reveal a scanner. The soldier placed their hand on the scan, and it glowed green for a second before it beeped. A strange sequence of clicking sounded form the massive door before a smaller door opened. Tom was confused since it seemed like the door itself was a little techy for the concrete room but shrugged since it did do its job effectively. The two soldiers shuffled to get Tom out the door before the door closed behind him, and the thick metal began to make loud locking noises before it silenced.

Tom was now alone outside, which meant that he was safe from his soldiers, but he was not safe from what was beyond him. This was going to be interesting. 


I figured that I might as well write as much as I can, and you know, follow my original plan of updating schedule. I'm sorry I'm not consistent, but my homework load isn't constant, and for that, I'm sorry, but I have no control over my teachers, and when they decide that I should be overloaded with homework, so while I put off my current stuff. Enjoy a chapter. I'll try to get another one out as soon as possible. Sorry for the longish author's note. Have a great day/night or whatever and please comment, vote, follow me, and share if you enjoyed it. Talk to you guys later. 

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