Chapter Twenty One

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Charlie's POV

Keeley looked worried.

"Ok , you can tell me anything" she said half happily and half nervously. She took my hand. I looked at our joined hands and I started to cry silently. A tear fell onto our hands and I let go. I couldn't look her in the eye. I just stared at the floor.

"Keeley I have a confession , I don't um , I , I don't ..." I stuttered.

"You don't what?" she asked concerned.

"I have to break up with you" I spat out. It hurt me so much.

"What?!" she said shocked "I thought you really liked me" I heared the hurt in her voice.

What I said next killed me inside.

"Sorry but I don't think I did. I felt sorry that your best friend had died and you had nobody , I'm so sorry Keeley" I said quietly.

"No!" she shouted "I'm sorry , I'm sorry that you felt that you ever had to be with me. You know I didn't want to meet the way that we did and I defenetly didn't want it to end like this!"

We stood in awkward silence for a while.

"I'm sorry Keeley" I tried again.

"No , I'm sorry that it's this way" she said. I couldn't take it anymore. I picked up my bag and walked out of the house. I wanted to to home but I forgot my keys and nobody would be awake. I decided to walk home anyway. When I got home I saw a familiar looking car. It was Victoria's car.

I walked into the house lugging my suitcase behind me. I really wasn't in the mood to talk to anybody especially Leo. Leo had been so angry with me about Keeley. I looked into the living room and saw my mum , Leo and Victoria sitting in a circle as if they were in a support group or something. I tried to walk past the door quickly to get to the stairs but Leo spotted me and walked out of the room. I was halfway down the hallway by now. I was still crying so I wanted to be by myself.

"Charlie , aren't you even going to say hi? We heared that you came home early so we came to visit. Are you ignoring me?" he asked. He seemend upset.

My tears got stronger.

"Leo just leave me alone" I said quietly. I felt him grab my shoulder and I turned around.

"Leo just go away! I don't want to talk to you!" I shouted and our mums came running out of the living room. I must have looked a sight.

"What's up with you?" he asked trying to joke around.

"This isn't a joke Leo! Just go away and leave me alone! I don't care what you have to say to me. You got your wish! Now go back to Harvey!" I shouted before abandoning my suitcase and running to my room and throwing myself onto the bed. Why was this my life? Why have I lost one of the most important people in my life? I should have fought for her. But I couldn't risk loosing her forever. Amanda could have been lying. No , I couldn't risk it. Plus , Keeley was already mad at me. Everybody was mad at me. Keeley , Leo and I'm sure that Harvey was probobly mad at me too. No matter what I did , I did it wrong. KNOCK KNOCK. My mum walked into my room. I still had my face in my pillow crying.

"Charlie" she said sympathetically "What's the matter? I hate seeing my beautiful boy upset" she put her hand on my back and I rolled over to face her.

"I've messed up everything. With Leo , with Harvey , with Keeley. What can I do that's right?" I said shaking my head.

"Well you've got millions of fans who look up to you. You're an inspiration to them. You have a little sister who loves you to pieces and parents who'd do anything for you. And I'm sure you'll make things up with the boys" she assured me.

"What about Keeley?" I asked hopefully while I wiped my eyes.

"I'm not sure , she's a teenaged girl Charlie. That's not a good thing to mess with but if she really loves you then she'll come back to you" she said squeezing my shoulder "Now get some sleep and you can talk to Leo when you wake up , he's staying all this week with Victoria"

She then walked out of the room and I went to sleep.

The next morning 11:15

I woke up still wearing yesterday's clothes. I tried not to remember what happened but it was hard. I quickly got changed into new clothes and went downstairs to get something to eat. I walked into the kitchen and Leo was there on his laptop sitting at the table. I walked in without saying a word and started pouring a glass of of orange juice. Leo didn't even look up from his screen. I then made myself some toast and sat down at the table. I don't know why I made toast because I didn't even feel hungry. I just sat picking at the crust.

"Why make food if you're not going to eat it?" asked Leo still avoiding eye contact.

"Because I thought I'd eat it but I'm not hungry. Do you want it?" I asked

"No , I'm ok thanks" he replied bluntly.

"I thought that you weirn't speaking to me?" I asked.

"I didn't ever say that Charlie. You said that you weirn't speaking to me and you didn't care what I had to say" he said. He sounded hurt.

"It's not my fault. When I was with Keeley you hated me , it's not hard to not like somebody who doesn't support you" now I sounded hurt.

"I know" he said and I was shocked "I know it's not and I got a lecture from Joey so you can save your breathe , I should have supported you because you're my best friend , sorry" he said.

"I'm sorry too but it doesnt matter now because me and Keeley are done. That's what was up last night. It was nothing personal" I said and he laughed.

"Charlie it was nothing but personal but I can't blame you , Keeley is the girl that everybody wants , you were lucky to get her and then you didn't even like her anyway , what were the odds of that ever happening?" he joked.

"Can I tell you something? But you can't tell Keeley" I said and Leo nodded. "Amanda forced me to break up with Keeley , she said that if I didn't then she would make Keeley go and live in Scotland. I'd rather that she wasn't mine and close than mine and miles away"

"That Amanda is such a rat! We've got to tell Keeley!" he said loudly.

"No Leo , did you not just hear what I just said? I think I'll talk to Joey and Megan about this but thanks anyway" I said running upstairs and going on facetime. Again Joey answered quite quickly. He looked like he'd just woken up.

"Charlie , what's up?" he asked.

"Um me and Keeley broke up" I said openly.

"Aw Charlie , what happened?" he asked and I explained to him all about Amanda.

"That rat!" Joey said loudly just like Leo did.

"I don't know what to do" I admitted.

"Get another girlfriend , Keeley will want you back when you're unavailable. Or the new girl could make you forget all about Keeley" he said as if it was that simple.

"As long as we both know Im not doing it to make her jelous , I'm simply looking to move on" I clarified.

"Yeah , you do that. I was out late last night. Well , this morning technically. I'm going back to bed" he said.

"Well have a good sleep" I said and then put the iPad down. Looks like I'd be getting a girlfriend.

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