Chapter Nine

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I skateboarded back home and I saw my sister sitting on the front step as I got there. I stopped , picked up my board and made my way over to her.

"Are you ok?" I asked her.

"Yeah I'm fine , I've just been waiting here for you" she said making me nervous.

"Why were you waiting for me? I'm 16 years old I can make a 20 minute journey by myself" I said taking off my helmet.

"It's nothing , just don't get too close to that boy Charlie ok? Hes bad news" she said making me feel weird. I didn't know what he'd done. My thoughts were interupted as I heared somebody behind me saying my name. I turned around and saw Harvey walking towards me with my bag.

"Hi , you're looking ever so manly there" I joked as he gave the bag to me.

"Well if I have to choose between looking manly or not keeping a girl from her bag then I'm always going to go for the second one" he said sounding actually quite serious.

"Really?" I asked.

"No it just has your phone in it and if Leo got his hands on it he'd probobly frape you or something" he said sweetly "And we don't want that happening"

I smiled "Thanks Harvey" I gave Harvey a small thank you hug and he made his way back to Charlie's house. Then I turned around and saw Amanda sitting on the doorstep awkwardly.

"Who's your friend?" she asked.

"That was Harvey , he doesn't live here he's just visiting Charlie with Leo" I explained.

"Oh so now you're turning into one of the guys , that's one way to get noticed by them" she laughed.

"Ew Amanda! Leo is 14 and Charlie goes to my school" I said.

"But that Harvey guy , you seemed to like him and he seemed to like you too" she said getting excited.

"Yeah right , can I come inside now?" I asked because I was still stood outside.

"Yeah" said Amanda standing up "If you come to my room in 30 minutes I'm watching Mean Girls"

We both then walked inside and shut the door behind us. I then got a quick shower , dried my hair and got changed into my pyjamas before going upstairs into Amanda's room and getting comfy in her bed. We both have double beds so we always share with eachother if we stay up late. It's a sister thing we like to do. Amanda set up the movie before I jumped up.

"We need some food" I said. I knew it was a bit late to be eating (23:45) but I was hungry now. Plus you have to eat when you watch a film. Well you don't have to but it seems so right to. I knew were Amanda hid her stash of snack foods so I went and retrieved them from their hiding place and I put them on the bed. Amanda then disapeared under her bed and got back up holding some bottles of coke. Girls night.

We talked a bit through the film quoting things like on Wednesday's we wear pink and get in loser we're going shopping

I always loved movies with Lindsay Lohan in them. She always got cast in the funniest films. I love the parent trap too. The movie was fun. I remember watching the film and then I fell asleep in Amanda's room.

Young Hearts Go BAM 2 - Charlie's TurnWhere stories live. Discover now