Chapter Eight

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When we got to Charlie's it was already 20:00 so Charlie decided to order a pizza. I wasn't really fussed but then again I hadn't eaten a lot lately. It didn't seem right to me. The boys eat the pizza but I just left it.

"So what movie do you all want to watch?" Leo asked walking over to the DVD rack. I walked over to see what was there. I gasped with excitment when I saw one of my favourite films in the rack. I pulled it out and held it up to show everyone.

"I know that you're going to hate me for asking me this but can we please watch this movie?" I begged.

Leo shook his head "Oh no you can forget it , we're not watching that , it's a girl film"

I groaned "Please , you'll love it , you may cry but who doesn't want to watch Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth? This is the last song"

The boys all exchanged looks before Charlie said "Fine but if we don't enjoy it after 45 minutes then we're watching Ouija"

Id heared about Ouija. A movie about possession and talking to dead friends. I felt like this movie was a no go.

"Please no Charlie , you know what that film is about" I said sitting down next to him still holding The Last Song. He looked at me showing sympathy.

"Ok , we'll watch your film" he said "Everybody get comfy and I'll set it up"

Charlie set up the movie and then he sat back down. Me and Charlie on a couch , Leo on a chair and Harvey on a pile of pillows and blankets that were on the floor. The movie started and we all watched through it in silence. Near the end of the film at the emotional part I started crying. I'm a girly girl what can I say? Then I got the sniffles. I saw Charlie look at me so I covered my eyes to make it look like I wasn't crying. He saw me though and put his arm around me. I accepted the hug and moved up to him.

"Hi , are you ok?" he said.

"Yeah , let's just finish watching the film" I replied.

I couldn't really get comfy. I didn't know where to put my hands. Oh what the heck. I placed my hand on his chest. At least I was comfy now.

Soon after , the film finished and when I looked I saw a couple of tears in the eyes of the boys.

"That movie was so touching" said Leo "I mean , the acting in this movie is amazing , great work"

"Aww theres a little heart in there" I joked.

"Of course there is , he's had a girlfriend too , that softened him too" said Charlie and Leo gave him an angry look.

"Charlie , that was months ago" said Leo.

"What was she like?" I asked. This was too cute.

"Her name was Sarah , she moved here from Tennessee and we had a thing. But then she had to move back to Tennessee. She's probobly moved on by now , I hope not though , don't tell anybody but I'm saving money to to go and visit her" said Leo blushing "She was the sweetest girl I ever met , she saved Tilly from being ran over"

"Really? Was this before or after you had a thing" I asked. I didn't want to seem weird but this whole conversation already was.

"It was before the thing , I'd only known her for two days but I couldn't stop thinking of her , my mind was somewhere else" Leo said sounding like his mind was somewhere else at that moment too.

"So you didn't like her before she saved your sister?" I asked. I knew what had happened but I didn't want to ruin Leos happiness. What had happened was he felt he liked her because she saved his sister. There was no attraction before this. It's all in the mind. Still I wanted Leo to be happy so I didn't mention this.

"I guess not , are you trying to say what I think you're trying to say?" asked Leo.

"Um , I'm so sorry Leo , that's what I think but I'm probobly wrong. People can like people for all sorts of reasons , don't hate me" I said feeling guilty. I'd only known the guy for a day and I'm saying this to him.

"Oh , I didn't think of it that way , maybe I should just forget Sarah because you said I don't like her anyway" said Leo quietly. I went and sat on the arm of the chair next to him.

"Leo I'm sorry I didn't mean for it to come out that way , you obviously really like this girl because she's across the world and shes still on your mind. Take no notice of me. I don't know a thing , I've actually never had a boyfriend so you're one step ahead of me" I said trying to cheer him up. He gave a little smile.

"You're right" he said "Wait , back up , you've never had a boyfriend?" He sounded shocked. I shook my head.

"Why? You're perfect? I've thought that for years" I heared from the couch. I turned around and saw Charlie sitting there now covering his beetroot face.

"Really? Nobody has ever said that about me before. Except my Dad but he's obligated to say it" I joked. I looked down and smiled to myself. I checked the time. Nearly 22:30.

"Well this has been a fun and rather awkward night so I think I'd better be going home , I don't want to intrude on your guy time" I said making my way over to the living room door and putting on my helmet "I'll see you all another time , yeah?"

"Yeah , I'll text you" said Charlie.

"Not fair , what if I wanted to text her" said Harvey sounding half serious half joking.

"And me" joined in Leo.

"We'll be in touch" said Charlie. Then I left the house and skateboarded back home.

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