Chapter Twenty

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I decided to go home.

After our - I can't believe it - kiss , I told Charlie that I needed to go home. If my dad only had a month left to live then that would be about four weeks and I was supposed to spend two weeks filming which would mean only two weeks with my dad. I needed the closure. Charlie agreed to come home aswell and be with me and my dad. Steven came home too because I was the only one in the movie under his management so he had no reason to stick around. We woke up early and went to say goodbye to everybody. Luckily they were all awake and waiting in the lobby. They'd all been told that we were going home but they didn't know why. I felt a bit sad as I saw everybody stood there because they'd all waited there for us. I walked over to them all and said goodbye. The last person that I said goodbye to was Luca. He was one of my best friends on set , he was amazing.

I walked over to him and Charlie walked behind me.

"Keeley , it's so sad to see you going early" Luca said.

"I know but I have some family things to sort out , promise me you'll come and visit me before the premier ok?" I asked.

"I promise , now give me a hug" he said and I gave him a friendly hug. Then he picked me up and span me around. We always did this. Then when he put me down and I noticed that Charlie was stood there awkwardly.

"Charlie , come here , group hug" I said and then Charlie joined us for a hug. We then got ushered into the car by Steven and we drove to the airport. Somebody helped us with our cases and we got on the flight quite soon after.

We sat on the jet looking out of the window. It was silent. I wasn't in the mood to talk. I was anxious to get home to my Dad.

"Keeley , I know that this isn't going to be the best time to do this but I got you a present at the airport on the way here a couple of weeks ago" said Charlie pulling a box out of his carry on. I accepted the box and opened it. It was the necklace that I saw in the jewlery shop on the way to Alaska.

"Aw Charlie , it's beautiful , where's the other half?" I asked curiously.

"Well I'm not a necklace wearing type of guy so I've put it on my keys" he said showing me his housekeys that were in his pocket.

"Thank you so much" I said and he put his arm around me.

"I just like making you smile. I love you" he replied. He WHAT? Loves me? This was no big deal.

"I love you too" I said back and then I put one of my headphones in and gave the other one to Charlie.

Hours later we landed at Bournmouth airport. It was actually the next day because it took us 9 hours to get home which made the time 18:00 but that was Alaskan time. The time difference made it 03:00 AM in Bournmouth. The jetlag was going to be a nightmare.

We got in a taxi and went back to my house. Charlie was supposed to be staying the night so that I wasn't by myself. Obviously my Dad would be asleep because he wasn't jet lagged.

We got into the house and I decided to leave my Dad asleep. Me and Charlie both got into our pyjamas , me in the bathroom and Charlie in my bedroom.

When I got down into my bedroom Charlie was in my bed looking through some DVD's.

"Really?" he asked holding up the princess diaries DVD.

"What?" I asked "It's a really great movie , who doesn't love Julie Andrews and Anne Hathaway?"

"Ok then , I've never seen it and you seem fond of it , let's watch it" he said moving up for me to get into the bed. He stood up , set up the DVD and sat down next to me. He then put his arm around me and we cuddled while watching the movie. When it had finished Charlie kissed the top of my head.

"I believe that there's a sequel?" he joked.

"I'll just run upstairs and get it" I said jumping up and running up to Amandas bedroom. When I got into the room I saw a note on the bed.

Keeley , I'm so sorry about Dad. It's nothing personal I just couldnt watch him being taken away from me like I had to Mum. I'll be back soon but I'm sorry I haven't stuck around. I hope you had an amazing time in Alaska and I can't wait to see the movie. Be careful of Charlie though , I know you're like best friends but I'm not keen. I'll be back home once I've thought things through but I'll probobly be back before you get home anyway. If not I love you and I'm staying with Dean for a couple of weeks. From Amanda x

Oh believe me , she was a little late on the Charlie thing. There's nothing now that she can say or do. I grabbed the DVD and went downstairs. Just as I got downstairs I saw Charlie pacing around the room looking nervous and for some reason he'd gotten changed back into his clothes.

"Keeley we need to talk" he said making me worried.

Charlies POV

Keeley and I had watched the first princess diaries and I have to admit. It's decent. I was really tired but Keeley was wide awake. She can cope with jetlag better because she's been traveling for work since she was 10 years old. I was only 15 when I started. I let her go and get the sequel to the movie. When she left the room my phone started ringing. An unknown number. I didn't know whether to answer because it could have been a bambino messing around but I had a gut feeling that it would be important.

"Hello? Who is it?" I asked.

"Amanda" she said.

"Amanda as in Keeley's sister?" I wondered out loud.

"Yes , now listen Charlie. I don't like you hanging around with my sister , especially since you just play girls. Making them like you and then leaving them. You won't be seeing Keeley anymore" she said.

"What? What are you talking about?" I asked nervously.

"Don't play dumb Lenehan. I know all about what you did to Leah" she snapped.

"Leah? You know Leah? How is she by the way?" I asked.

"Oh spare me , you won't even look in Keeleys direction anymore. In a month my Dad will be gone. And when he is I'm Keeleys legel guardian so I can move her anywhere I like. Far away from here. If you want Keeley to stay here and live a normal life then you wont walk her way , if you even look at her we're going to move to Scotland" she said a tear slipped down my face.

"What if Keeley finds out you've been threatening me like this?" I asked trying to man up.

"She won't find out. Or off to Scotland we go. Its down to you Lenehan" she said and then she hung up. I didn't know what to do. I didn't want Keeley to leave her life here. I had to break up with her. This was going to be the hardest thing I've had to do in my whole life. Would it be that bad though? Leo would be happy , Harvey would be happy , surely Keeley would move on. Maybe she'd get with Harvey. The only one who wouldn't be happy would be me but I had to do this for Keeley. I quickly got changed back into my clothes. I'd be leaving streight after the breakup. Soon after , Keeley walked into the room holding the DVD.

"Keeley we need to talk" I said.

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