Chapter Fifteen

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For most of the flight there , most of the cast went through lines together. It was ok for Charlie though because he fell asleep about 30 minutes into the flight anyway. We had a good run-through and I felt quite confident about the rest of the movie. After about 3 hours of run through we decided to have a break and practice again for the last 2 hours of the flight. This meant about 4 hours of time we could do whatever we wanted. I decided to watch a movie on my laptop in this time. I had one of those mini heart attacks when my iPad started making a really loud noise. It was my facetime. I opened my iPad case and made it stand up. When I saw the ID it was Harvey.

"Hi Keeley!" said an enthusiastic Harvey as his face popped up on the screen. Then I saw Leo waving behind him. I waved back politely.

"Hi guys , what are you up to?" I asked whispering because Charlie was still asleep next to me.

"We're actually quite bored because when we turned up at Charlie's house today his mum told us that he's gone to Alaska for a month. What weirdo wakes up and decides to go to Alaska?" said Leo. He seemed a bit confused. "Hold on , are you on a plane?"

I nodded "Yeah , infact I'm with Charlie right now"

"You're on a plane with Charlie?" asked Harvey who had clearly not clicked on. "Wait a minute , are you going to Alaska too? What are you going there for?" He finally realised.

"I'm going to shoot for the movie and Charlie's coming with , I'm so sorry to interrupt your time with him but I really needed a friend with me for this" I explained.

"That's alright , when we heared that that Charlie was gone for a month we drove back to Leo's house and we're staying there now" said Harvey. Then I heared a weird noise.

"Sorry" said Leo "That's Sarah trying to facetime aswell. I don't know why because we don't speak as much now as we used to , do you mind if we talk to her instead?" I just laughed.

"Leo!" said Harvey "You can't just say that to somebody. We can go on oovoo instead so that we can all talk at once" I agreed that we should oovoo and then we swiched over.

When I got on oovoo Sarah still wasn't there but after a while I saw her pop up on screen. She was so pretty. Long brown hair , now tanned skin (apparently she was quite pale when she lived in Wales) brown eyes. She just looked perfect. I knew why Leo liked her , she was pretty and funny and seemed like a really great person.

"Hi Sarah" said Leo.

"Hey , long time no see , who's this?" she asked pointing at her screen but obviously we couldn't tell who she was pointing at.

"This is Harvey , I thought you knew him" joked Leo

"I meant the girl , I'm glad that you've moved on from me and everything but isn't she a bit old for you?" she asked.

"What?! Me? No , you've really got the wrong idea" I said quickly "I'm Keeley Jackson , I'm just a friend"

"Don't take it personally Keels , she doesnt really know anybody on TV" explained Leo which made me feel awkward.

"I'm not bothered that she doesn't know me Leo , it's actually good that she doesn't , that makes this more of a natural moment" I said feeling happy. I heared a little tired groan next to me and I looked and saw Charlie figiting in his chair.

"Well look who's finally awake" I teased.

"Aw Keels don't say that , this is a lonh flight and you're so lucky to have me here" said Charlie sitting up properly and putting his arm around me. I decided to lean into him so that he could get into camera view aswell.

"Oh I get it now" said Sarah happily , meanwhile I was taking a long drink of my bottle of water "Keeley is Charlie's girlfriend" I got such a shock I did one of those weird spit takes all over the seat in front of me.

"What!" I shouted accidently.

"Why did you do that!" shouted Steven who was sat in the now wet chair.

"Sorry Steven , I was just having a moment" I said loudly but I couldn't help but giggling.

"Sarah , girly , me and Keeley are just friends" said Charlie "Best friends" when he added this I smiled to myself and I felt a bit freakish.

"Whatever you say" she said waving her hands about.

"Ok guys we land in two hours so lets have a run through , stand up for this one though and do whatever feels natural , lets go from where Zoe breaks her leg" announced Steven and we all sprung into action.

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