chapter three

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 with living in the previously infamous 'Stark Tower', there's obviously a lot of space

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with living in the previously infamous 'Stark Tower', there's obviously a lot of space. and by a lot of space i mean like, each avenger had their own floor, their own gym, living room. they all practically had mini mansions.

so why, when tony walked into his kitchen at 8am and froze in the doorway, were all 12 of his soulmates sitting at his dining table, we will never understand. mind you, this table only fit 8 people,

so even though wanda was in vision's lap, peter in loki's lap, nat in bruce's lap, and clint-

clint on the floor? under the goddamn table?

-they all still insisted on being on the one floor, tony was convinced he was living in a mad house.

deciding that breakfast was more important at the moment than questioning his soulmates sanity, he continued on his journey to the table and pulled up one of many spare chairs beside stephen. maybe his soulmates weren't sane.

"hi sweetheart." stephen smiled, stretching his arms out wide for his soulmate. tony leaned over and sunk into his head into his chest, wrapping his arms around the wizards waist. stephen always had this aura around him, one of complete tranquility and utter comfort, if there was anywhere tony could spend all his days, it would be stephen's arms.

his greeting caught the attention of the 11 other superheroes surrounding the table, and a chorus of 'hi tony!' and 'good morning tony!' arose amongst other petnames. tony simply removed an arm from stephens waist and gave a lazy wave, not even bothering to lift his head and instantly returning his arm to its previous position. this gained him a few chuckles, letting a small smile cross his face knowing no one could see.

"and why, pray tell, are you all in my kitchen on this lovely morning?" tony mumbled into stevens chest. "there's not even enough room here, you could have split up."

thor chuckled, a deep throaty sound. "tony, my love, are you not happy to see us? your wonderful, spectacular, earth saving soulmates?" he teased, his grin so wide he resembled the cheshire cat.

the playboy scoffed and retorted, "wow. those are a few select words, huh point break? i have a few others i'd prefer." he turned around the glance at the god and then returned to his previous position. "and anyways, i do most of the work, you guys are just my backup dancers."

"and we're only just your soulmates." wanda voiced while pointing a perfectly manicured finger at him with her eyebrows raised."not by choice wanda, not by choice." to anyone else, it would have seemed that tony was ungrateful for his soulmates, but in reality, they all knew tony was only teasing them. he loved them with his whole heart, his whole being. he loved them too much to the point where he would gladly sacrifice himself for them, which he had tried, many times.

"tony~" bruce sang, knowing what he would say next would bring him out of his grumpy, not an early riser self. "i made you pancakes, blueberry, your favorite." tony's head instantly perked up and he jumped from the seat, scrambling to where he could see them on the countertop.

"there's a cup of coffee too, and the whipped creams by the fridge!" steve chimed. the stark billionaire looked like kid in a candy store, and it was very amusing to his mates. he walked back to the table and dropped himself into his seat, shoveling forkfuls of pancake into his mouth like this was the last time he'd ever taste them.

"you know i- know i love you guys, right?" he half mumbled, half moaned at the taste of the breakfast his science buddy soulmate had made him. "we know, we know." many of them said, knowing smiles spread across their faces.

"oh yeah!" peter startled after a moment of silence, causing loki to jump in his seat and everyone to look at him curiously. "sorry babe." he mumbled sheepishly, quickly turned to loki and pecking his lips.

turning back to the rest of his mates at the table he continued, "i'm sorry, i totally forgot to tell you, i mean i meant to tell you last night at dinner so it wouldn't be so last minute, but i forgot, which is becoming a really big habit by the way. anyways, i won't be here tonight cause ned wants to go see this band that's playing and he has a really huge crush on the lead singer and guitar player? and they're really good and pretty popular so i told him i'd go with him. so i won't be here for movie night." he rushed out so quickly it was miracle the others could even understand.

"i'm really really sorry i promise i meant to tell you earlier. and i already promised i'd go and i can't do that to ned, so is that okay? because if it's not th-"

"pete, pete, slow down, slow down." bucky interrupted before anyone else could. they all exchanged eye contact and somehow knew what they were all thinking. "you can go, don't worry." the soldier continued.

"but, i'm sorry to tell you but we're gonna have to come with." nat added, smiling at him. "we're sorry, but with how things have been lately, and your identity being revealed, we can't have you being put at risk of any danger whatsoever."

"plus we could use a night out." loki grinned.
"oh hush, you just want to party." vision teasingly scolded him. loki only threw him a wink and focused back in the conversation happening.

"oh that's fine! ned would love to see you guys again, plus he swears that they're really good, so you might enjoy it!" peter exclaims excitedly, pietro ruffling his hair from beside him and staring at him fondly.

steve smiled and glanced around the table at his soulmates, who were now all engaged in small conversations. bucky held his hand and smiled at him like he was the whole world, knowing they were both thinking the same thing.

wondering how they got so lucky.

but there was still one missing.

"hopefully kid, hopefully" he whispered.

HI GUYS😭PLEASE VOTE AND ESPECIALLY COMMENT!!🤲🤲 it just makes me really happy to see comments and it means so much to me :'( hopefully i'll have another chapter out tonight/in a few hours :)

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