chapter nine

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brendan had quickly figured out the relation between his niece and the avengers as he watched them stare at each other

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brendan had quickly figured out the relation between his niece and the avengers as he watched them stare at each other. he suggested, well, insisted that they talked about it in private.

aoife reluctantly agreed, but only if they talked at the skate park, as it was her safe place, and she and isaac had plans to meet adam there, and she didn't want to cancel on him. the group of superheroes followed behind aoife and isaac who were engaged in a conversation about what the best inbetweeners character was.

upon getting there, aoife waved at adam and isaac approached him, and they watched the girl sit on the steps to their left, and of course they followed. she plopped herself down in the middle and they all sat on either side of her.

they sat in silence until aoife broke it, "we should take about this you know." they swore her thick accent sent shivers down their spines. they all nodded, and yet still no one said anything.

aoifes sigh and the crackling of her flip lighter broke the silence once again, as everyone turned to watch her light a cigarette. as she inhaled, peter piped up. "those will kill you, you know?" aoife turned her head to look over them all and then turned back to watch her friends.

"i'm not too bothered, i'll not be the one carrying that heavy ass coffin anyways." she shrugged, exhaling and watching the smoke soak into the air. this caused the group to chuckle, she had personality for sure.

"well, since apparently nobody has anything to say now, i'm going to go..." she trailed off, pointing her thumb over her shoulder at her friends. "feel free to stay, we can talk after." and she picked up her board, running over to her boys.

they collectively sighed. "we're going to have our hands full." bruce spoke up. peter chucked, "yeah, no shit we are." this comment caused steve to glare at the younger boy. peters eyes widened, "sorry babe."

they all turned back to their mate, they watched as she dropped in and skated around the pit, none of them did anything like this, but the things she was doing seemed pretty hard, they knew none of them could do it.

they watched on in amazement as she did tricks, almost jumping out of their seats when she did harder ones incase she got hurt, which she didn't.


an hour or so had gone by, and aoife stood by bidding goodbye to her friends. she gave them big hugs and ruffled their hair. "goodbye my loves!" earning jealous glares from her mates. she chuckled nervously and made her way to stand in front of the group.

"so, uh..." she started, but had no idea what to say. tony sat up, "well, sweetheart, i think it's obvious what we are to each other." aoife furrowed her brows and her lips pouted, she nodded as she looked over them.

they swear they could physically feel their hearts jump and ache, she was so naturally adorable. she was already tugging on their heart strings with such a simple gesture, and she had no idea. she would drive them crazy, that much they knew.

vision cleared his throat. "so, why don't you tell us about yourself, darling?" aoife nodded again, but they noticed she had began to fidget.

"yeah, yeah sure. uh, my names aoife mcnulty, i'm 18, im from cork!" she got excited at the mention of her homeland, and they all silently cooed at her. "i moved her when i was 14, brendan is my uncle..." she didn't know what else to say, she had avoided mentioning her parents and why she had moved. "...and i really like gummy worms, that's important." she shrugged.

the avengers laughed, and aoife honestly thought that she had entered heaven. the happiness they emitted comforted her. "obviously, you avoided the parent topic, or why you're in new york, but, is there any way you could tell us?" nat said after calming her breathing down. "we want to know everything about you, to love every part of you."

aoife hesitated, but they heard her respond with a quiet voice. "yeah, sure, but uh. i don't feel comfortable talking about it." she extended her hand towards a certain enhanced, "wanda?" the scarlett witch grabbed her hand and walked towards her, placing her fingertips on her mates temples.

everyone watched as wanda was sucked into aoifes mind, swimming through her mind. wandas expression turned increasingly horrified as she visited the memories of aoifes childhood. she witnessed the never ending violence, the words her parents spat at her practically engraved into her skin. she came across one specific memory, the irish girls parents had many friends over, they had let their friends take advantage of their daughter in their own home. in aoifes own room, with their consent.

it was then that wanda pulled herself out, too horrified to continue. aoifes face was blank, as wanda stumbled backwards into her other mates, tears streaming down her face, her panting painful. "what? what's wrong?" the group questioned, extremely concerned.

"" wanda wailed, staring at aoife, she couldn't believe what her mate had been through in her short life, at such a young age. like aoife, she couldn't find the words to tell the rest what she had seen, and instead projected everything she had seen to them.

aoife sat on the steps and pulled out another cigarette, an anxious habit. she sat and watched as her soulmates went through a range of emotions while experiencing what wanda had.

they all turned to her, watery, sorrowful eyes and wet cheeks. she was so immensely strong, they all knew that none of them would have had the mindset to get through that, everything she had. and yet here she was, right in front of them.

she was ethereal, and she was here. she was their mate,

and they would do everything they could, from here on in, to make her happy.

HI!!!! sup guys 😜😜
alright so this is where the fun starts!!! i get to write deeper relationships and get into the
real stuff. exciting!!!

also, PLS READ!! this is a warning, there WILL be smut in this book, but if that isn't something u like then by all means you can skip it!!! it hopefully shouldn't really affect the storyline so 🤷‍♀️
but if it IS, then i've got some stuff in store for u 😈 *cue evil laugh*

you know the drill!!! comments are greatly appreciated :) love u!!

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