chapter two

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IT WAS now around 5pm

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IT WAS now around 5pm.
aoife had only had 6 periods today and had spent the rest of her day in the library catching up on some work she hadn't bothered to do.
she was never interested in the very academic subjects, she only took english and art. she knew enough maths and science to get her
by - this is a lie, she is way beyond her years and couldn't learn anymore so dropped the subjects, she was good but just didn't enjoy them - and she could speak a multitude of languages already, so what was the need for the other classes?

after sitting through triple english, followed by triple art, AND working on her homework for 2 hours, aoife was more than happy to be leaving.
most people had left around 15 minutes prior, so she didn't have to worry about getting trampled on in the hallways.
she left the library and dropped her art portfolio in to her teachers classroom and headed to her locker to grab her board.

she had actually cancelled her 'meeting' with nate for today, she wasn't really feeling up to it, no reason why, she just suddenly felt like she shouldn't go, so she messaged him at lunch and told him she was sick.

now skating down the sidewalk she was headed to the skatepark, her safe haven. she could drive, but you would never see her without her board, and she was good.

her friend adam was a skater too, they had met at the skate park only the first week aoife had moved to new york. she was overwhelmed and needed to relax so, naturally she picked up her board and off she went. adam was there when she arrived and he was, well, bad. he was only a beginner !! and aoife thought it was adorable. him, being a year older than the irish girl, felt embarrassed when she offered her help but gratefully accepted it and that was when it kicked off. that was 4 years ago, and since then they were inseparable, they were even in a band together with their friend isaac, and they were pretty popular.

being so lost in her thoughts of past times, aoife hadn't even realized she had reached her destination. snapping out of her daydreams, she ran towards adam, whose back was facing her and jumped on his back. "HI!" she screamed in his ear and laughed loudly, a grin so big on her face that the boy couldn't help but laugh along. "you bitch!" he chuckled, setting her on the ground and ruffling her hair. "how was school?"

"don't even ask, i tell you this every fucking time." she answered in a bored tone. "right, right, i'm sorry my bad." aoife shrugged, but suddenly her head perked up and she grinned, shaking adam by his shoulders, (which she could barely reach) "we have a show tonight! i fucking forgot." the taller boy looked down at her and breathed out a laugh, "i know dumbass, i got us this gig. it's at 9 though so we can only skate for an hour or 2 since you take forever to get ready." he shook his head at the tiny girl fondly. "and i'm coming to your apartment with you and we're going there together, knowing you, you'd probably get fucking lost."

she simply shrugged, knowing he was right and picked up her board and running past him, dropped in and skated her way through the next hour and a half.

she simply shrugged, knowing he was right and picked up her board and running past him, dropped in and skated her way through the next hour and a half

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HI!! oh my fucking god i put out a chapter.
i'm still trying to figure out how to play this out!! i have ideas but i struggle with putting them into play but now that i've gotten a chapter out more should be coming :)
also PLS COMMENT AND VOTE!! especially commenting i'd really appreciate knowing if people like it or don't!!

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