chapter five

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the group of superheroes sat in the back left corner of the club, all nursing drinks in their hands and they were all engaged in a seemingly intense conversation

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the group of superheroes sat in the back left corner of the club, all nursing drinks in their hands and they were all engaged in a seemingly intense conversation. peter had gone off with ned and mj, with the promise that he'd check in every half hour. he was still within their sight so they didn't worry.

"i just don't think i'll like the music." steve shrugged in response to the discussion at hand, "based on what i've heard on the radio and how peter described this band, i just don't think i'll like it, this generation is very different."

bucky nodded with a sheepish smile on his lips, "blame it on the fact that we're literally 90 years old, but the music in the 40s was really different." everyone nodded in an understanding, but tony cut in "you atleast gotta give it a chance, you never know, same with you two asgard maniacs, i don't even know if music exists up there, but you atleast gotta try."

"yeah alright tony." they all chuckled. peter came bounding over to them and situated himself between stephen and vis. "hey guys!" he chirped out, everyone at the table smiling at him fondly. "these guys must be really good, i've never seen ned so excited! he won't shut up and it's kind of rubbing off on me, i was gonna look them up and see what it's all about but if they're so good i'd rather experience it first hand, you know?" he breathed out with his eyebrows furrowed and his lips pouty.

this was all happening while aoife, isaac and adam had walked onto their set and had been doing introductions. it wasn't until they heard the countdown and the place erupt in cheers and screams that they directed their attention to the stage, where they all froze.

they set their eyes upon the three, and focused on the female in the middle. they were all overwhelmed with an all too familiar feeling in their chests and simply stared in awe.

when they finally realized what was actually happening, steve choked on his drink, bruce almost fell out of his chair, peters hand cupped his mouth and he blushed, and the rest just sat with their mouths dropped in shock.

they all looked around at each other and shared smiles, knowing what they all had the same thought in mind. they immediately turned back to stare and listen, afraid to miss a second.

tony smirked, taking one last glance at his mates seated around him and looked back at the young woman on stage and whispered to himself,
"our missing piece."

- - - -

the opening notes of smells like teen spirit filled the club and aoife grinned, relishing in the joy that she could feel all around her. isaac came in on the drums and adam too, supporting on his bass and the song began, with aoife strumming her electric guitar with all the happiness in the world.

tony, clint and nat instantly perked up at the song, tony especially enjoying it. he was in pure awe at the luck he had been granted, this was his final soulmate. and god was she perfect.

steve and bucky, despite not thinking they'd like the music, seemed to be in a trance. a few of them sang along, though all of them held grins on their faces, marveling at aoifes talent.

they stayed this way throughout the set, dancing in their seats, nodding their heads. they had played a few covers, come as you are, suga suga, and many more. they had also sang a few of their own songs, mainly written by aoife, hayloft, sex on fire and we're now closing their set.

aoife jokingly put on an american accent, knowing their fans knew she was irish. "now, i know this is the last song and you're supposed to end on a bang, but this song is a bit different, not our usual thing." she grinned and took a glance over her shoulder at the boys who looked very confused.

"i um, i actually wrote this song for these idiots. they don't know and i've never played it for them before," she chuckled, and continued' "but i tricked adam and isaac into learning the acoustics for it last week so, yeah."

she played the first notes of the song gently, and the atmosphere changed. it was so calm and loving. this was where were aoife felt comfortable. she was still playing her guitar and adam still supported her. she began to sing as her two closest friends played on either side of her. they got to the chorus and the boys were both smiling, feeling their eyes water.

"got so much to lose, got so much to prove,
god, don't let me lose my mind." aoife sang with so much emotion that everyone could feel it.

she turned her head to look at each of the boys as she sang, a loving smile on her face. "trouble on my left, trouble on my right. i've been facing trouble almost all my life," she then turned back to the crowd.

"my sweet love, won't you pull me through?
everywhere I look, I catch a glimpse of you." the irish girl looked over the people smiling up at her and swaying with their friends.

scanning her eyes over everyone, her gaze landed on many familiar faces in the back, who were all staring straight at her. her eyes widened slightly and she realized why she had been drawn to that corner, and she knew what that feeling in her chest was.

she quickly shook off and continued singing, her eyes quickly diverting back to the audience in front of her and grinned.

"i said it was love, and i did it for life,
i didn't do it for you."

hi !!! i hope this was okay ! :) just a reminder to vote but especially comment!!! it means a lot to me when you comment and i love to read them 🥺🥺 i also might update again today 👀

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