chapter eight

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once again, she had slipped from their grasp

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once again, she had slipped from their grasp. once again they had her in their arms and she was gone again.

they wanted to follow her, they wanted to run after her the moment she stepped through those doors, and they did.

they had just gotten out into the street when tony pulled out his phone to try and track their soulmate, but just their luck, at that moment nick fury decided to call and let them know they were needed for a mission. cliche. what is this, wattpad?

"what's wrong? we're going to lose her." wanda remarked, her brows furrowed. the others nodded showing their confusion as to why they weren't moving. "fucking fury, we're needed." he grumbled, shoving his phone back into his pocket and running his hands over his face.

"though it is not ideal, we should go. the sooner we get there..." vision piped up, trailing off towards the end. "and the sooner we can find our girl." loki pursed his lips and nodded. natasha snickered and smirked at her mates, "you act as if this is a debate, we have no choice."

this caused a few chuckles and smiles, steve sighed heavily and stood straight. "alright then, let's go."


"alright, everyone-" steve was cut off through comms and he grunted and dodged a punch, sending a blow back to the last soldier in the hydra facility. he placed his hands on his knees and panted for a moment. straightening back up, he sent one last kick, "i could do this all day."

"everyone back to the quinjet, now." he got back to what he was saying and was the first one to get on to the jet. over the next 5 minutes everyone made their way onto the jet in groups, peter and stephen being the last.

bruce sat in the corner with his knees to his chest, his headphones lay around his neck. tony approached him and crouched down, "all good?" he swiped the hair away from bruce's forehead. bruce responded with a small "yeah" and tony nodded, planting a kiss on his forehead and standing up beside steve.

"is everyone okay?" the captain asked, glancing around at his team and soulmates. many of them nodded, only coming out with a few cuts and bruises. however, some of them were a bit worse off and grunted in response. "they called for backup just before we left, we need to get somewhere safe and get these guys fixed up." bucky said, and tony nodded, "i've contacted fury, he said an agent will meet us when we land and take us to his place to get rest."


they had immediately recognized the agent sent for them as soon as they stepped off of the jet, they shared hugs and greetings. they had all known brendan for a few years now, he was one of shields most respected agents, and they had worked with him before.

"so it's your place we're heading to then?" wanda asked. despite being on friendly terms, none of them had been to his apartment before. the agent nodded and smiled at them, "yeah, i hope that's not a problem? we can get you cleaned up and rested there." they all reassured him that it was no problem and set on their way.

meanwhile, at home aoife was messing around with isaac in the kitchen. he had gotten there not even 5 minutes after their call ended, and brought gummy worms as promised, and brownies, and all of her favorite foods.

she had explained to him what had happened and how she hadn't slept, how her night terrors had returned, how she felt drained. he was quick to snatch her up into his arms, and they cuddled up under fluffy blankets while watching the new series of american horror story. he listened to her while she talked about her crush on cody fern, and whenever she tensed up at a memory he was quick to whisper sweet nothings in her ear and pull her closer.

she had taken her medication and paired with isaacs company, she felt drastically better. her hand had already started to bruise, and though it wasn't bothering her in the slightest, isaac insisted on bandaging it up.

so now, here they were. the sound of american boy could be heard as it played through the speaker system through out the house. aoife was wearing one of her uncles jumpers, so it was obviously extremely oversized, a cute pair of shorts with her favorite sanrio characters on them and a pair of fluffy socks. isaac was wearing a pair of sweatpants and a white shirt, and they danced around the kitchen.

"who killin em in the uk?" isaac sang without a care in the world, he laughed joyfully, "everybody gonna say 'you,k.' they had now made their way into the hallway and were jumping around.

aoife grinned at her friend, and they were too caught up in their fun to hear the door unlocking, or to notice who had walked in. "reluctantly, cause most of this press don't fuck wit me!" she sang and laughed.

suddenly isaac turned his head to the door and his smile widened. "hi brendan!" he waved and brendan smiled back at him. "hi isaac." aoife gasped and whipped around to look at where the voice had came from. "uncle brendan!" she ran towards the man and launched herself into his arms. he chuckled and held her tightly, "hi kid."

removing herself from his arms, she stood in front of him and looked up towards him. "i didn't know you would be back yet." he smiled sadly, "yeah, i know, i'm sorry. but i'm back now! and i'm free for the rest of the week."

aoife grinned and extended her arms, "well then, in that case, fáilte." her uncle laughed and stepped further into their home. aoife still hadn't noticed the group trailing behind and they were still silent, stunned.

"wait..." brendan suddenly realized something, "you should be in school right now, aoife." aoife ducked her head down, and isaac approached, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "she had a bad night, she forget to take her meds and had an episode." he explained for the girl with a sad smile.

brendan sighed and nodded, opening his arms wide he beckoned the girl towards him. "come here." he wrapped his arms around her again and aoife instantly felt at home.

"well, we didn't see that coming." a voice came from behind brendan. aoife stepped around him came face to face with pietro.

"what the fuck?" she gasped, unable to stop herself from cursing in the presence of the super soldier.

"nice moves, tiny."

HIIIIII GUYSSSSSS. sorry this update is so shit :( but i'm just trying to build it up because i HATE books where they kiss or date after knowing each other for like 2 days lol. i've had to stop reading so many cus it's so annoying :(
ANYWAYS! as usual pls comment it means a lot !! <3 although i am sorry this update is so bad :( but i wanted to get something out and fast so i can move onto the building of their relationship ! :)

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