chapter six

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aoife sat perched upon the wall outside her school once again

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aoife sat perched upon the wall outside her school once again. it was just after 9:30, but when was she ever on time?

last night had ended abruptly. aoife had saw her soulmates, but she ran. she wasn't scared, god no, she'd been dreaming of this day for years. but she had spotted a man in the crowd, he looked so similar to her father. his sunken eyes held the same glint of evil, his stare seeming as though he could see through her soul. the way he smirked at her when their eyes connected, it was like he knew the effect he had on her, knew who he looked like.

she had ran. with quick goodbyes to the boys and a glance at her mates, she left on her board quicker than ever.

she awoke during the night so many times, that it got to the point where she just sat on the roof of the building, watching the sun rise. her nightmares had been triggered by this one stranger, memories of the words spat at her by her own blood, the memories etched into her skin, memories of her parents friends, the friends they allowed to take advantage of their little girl in their own home.

aoife mcnulty itched at her skin, as if she could rip the memories from her person, as if she could shed her skin and live a new life.

but she couldn't.

and so here she sat, perched up on that wall. her jet black hair hung over her shoulders and cascaded down her back in messy waves, her face adorning her piercings and the slightest bit of smudged black eyeshadow, her eye bags prominent yet in the most attractive way.

her left leg crossed over the other, her pleated skirt rolled up and sitting around mid thigh, the top two buttons of her smart white shirt unbuttoned and spread, her school tie hanging loosely around the collar.

the sound of she by harry styles was heard by those walking by her as it played at full volume through her airpods. her board sat upright by her feet, her bag to her left and a red bull to her right. her right hand was raised to her mouth, where a blunt sat between her plump lips.


the band of superheroes were not impressed. their soulmate had vanished last night before they had barely even left their seats. safe to say they were grumpy.

and now, now they were standing outside the car just down the street from some school, as they had to give yet another assembly on public safety and whatnot.

they all stood in silence, lost in their own thoughts of which they were soon broken out of as a middle aged? woman in a long pencil skirt and blazer approached them.

"ah! you are here." the woman smiled, though it was obvious that it was a rare expression on her face. they, however, politely smiled back and let tony lead.
"i am ms. fitzgerald, i am the headmaster here." she extended her hand which tony shook and introduced himself too.

"right, of course! sorry to keep you waiting, please follow me." the pudgy lady chirped and turned, beckoning them with a wave of her hand and strutted the short distance to the entry of the school.

aoife caught sight of her headmistress headed her way and quickly turned her head the opposite way, covering her face with her hand as if that would hide her identity. however, ms. fitzgerald backtracked, having gotten half way to the doors and stopped beside aoife, the avengers stood a short distance behind her.

"mh-mh." the headmistress cleared her throat and stared straight at aoife who's hands had now left her face and her airpods now removed. "miss mcnulty, i do believe you should be in class right now." she said pointedly.

aoife turned to her superior and grinned, throwing her hands up as if surprised to see an old friend. "ms. fitzgerald! wow, i just did not see you there!" she exclaimed, not noticing the figures behind her teacher who lightly snickered. she flicked the small remainder of her blunt away, only slightly trying to hide the action from the woman in front of her.

she turned to grab her red bull and took a sip, keeping the can in her grip. the headmistress sighed and snatched it out of the irish girls hand. "aoife, i have told you so many times, this is not allowed on campus! nor is that 'tobacco' you were smoking." she narrowed her eyes.

however, her expression softened and her tough demeanor slumped a bit when she saw how truly exhausted the girl looked and how fake her smile way. she sighed, "the nightmares again?" she questioned softly.

aoife merely replied with a nod, a sad smile displayed on her face. it wasn't right, to see the young girl without the pure joyous expression she so often had. tutting, the teacher nudged her head towards the door. "come on then, we've got an assembly, special guests."

"ach ms, do i really have to? can i just sit in the art room, please?" she pouted, exaggerating only slightly. "im really not interested in the boring assembly and the boring people, plus you literally just witnessed me smoke a blunt, i'm going to be high as a kite." she whined, shrugging nonchalantly as she mentioned her activity's to her principal.

ms. fitzgerald simply shook her head and turned on her heel, pushing through the double doors and down the corridor. aoife knew she expected her to follow, so she groaned and heaved herself off of the brick wall, landing heavily on her feet.

she stretched out, her back cracking and packed her grinder and skins into her bag, which she hooked over her shoulder. pulling at her tie, she adjusted her septum piercing and turned, bending down to grab her board.

straightening back up, she peeked round the building and down the street, contemplating just making a break for it and heading to the skate park.

"you heard her, assembly. i hope your not thinking of running."

a throaty, husky voice tore aoife from her thoughts, the sound like a rumbling straight from their chest, sending shivers down aoifes spine. she, very slowly, spun on the spot, becoming eye level with, many, many chests.

"sweet jesus, mary and joseph." she whispered, startled, her tiny ring adorned hand coming to lay against her chest, feeling her heart beating rapidly. a hand grasped her chin, their grip gentle but stern, directing her gaze upwards. her eyes landed on the group of heroes who she just so happened to have seen last night.

"what. the. absolute. fuck." her accent came out thick and prominent, as she stared up at the 13 figures in front of her, shining green doe eyes, painfully wide and red and her lips pouty. the same person who had spoken before now tutted, stroking her jaw before slightly jerking her head towards him to make eye contact, "language." steve warned.

"now, boring assembly, boring people?" the massive super soldier asked, his brow raised as if to dare her to deny what she had said. aoife audibly gulped.

"well shite."

would you guys be
uncomfortable / comfortable with smut? not yet of course but in the future, as i had planned for it in this book. it would obviously be able to be skipped as well of course. let me know pls :)

anyways hi!! i'm sick :( but i hope this is okay!! they have finally met 😈😈 i'm excited !! now i can finally get into the real fun :) once again as always PLEASE comment, it means a lot and i love to read them, especially if it's on specific parts and their stupid lil comments, i love to see people interacting 🥺

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