chapter four

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aoife and adam had just made their way back to aoifes large apartment that she shared with her uncle

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aoife and adam had just made their way back to aoifes large apartment that she shared with her uncle. brendan was rarely at home, he worked as a shield agent. aoife wasn't stupid, she knew, and she had been to headquarters a number of times.

nick fury had taken a liking to her and her irish ways, seeing the girl as a daughter, which he would never admit to anyone. he had taken it upon himself to train the girl after hearing what had happened back home, and her skill set practically matched the Black Widow's, you know, just in case she ever needed them.

but with brendan not being around all that often, it meant that the girl didn't have to worry about her music being too loud, like it definitely was at the moment.

she was finishing up the final touches to her makeup, her black eyeshadow smudged over her eyelids, her freckles prominent and her natural pouty lips lined and glossed. she fluffed up her naturally wavy-borderline curly hair and stepped away from her desk.

adam sat on her king size bed behind her, arm bent under his head, eyes closed and head hopping to the sound of hayloft by mother mother. he was wearing a pair of black baggy jeans and a sweater that was identical to tate's from murderhouse, ahs was her favorite show okay?

she made her way to her large mirror situated on her wall and put in a pair of dangly earrings with crosses attached, and fixed her septum piercing and her nostril piercing. she adjusted her tights and jumper and straightened up to full height after putting her shoes on. she mentally cheered,
im 5'2 in these shoes!! yes. suck that adam.

she turned to adam who still lay on her bed

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she turned to adam who still lay on her bed. "come on, it's nearly 8 already we meet to leaveee~" she shook his shoulders violently. "fine fine go grab our boards." he grumbled while sitting up, pushing the girl towards her bedroom door.

he stretched out and turned off the music before looking at himself in the mirror, ruffling his hair and simply shrugging before spotting his friends bag on the chair by her desk, rolling his eyes and going to grab it.

"oh my fuck." aoife mumbled while waiting at the door with her and adams skateboards. "for the love of jesus would you feckin hurry up adam?!" she shouted down the hallway to the boy, they would be late if he went any slower.

"i'm here goddamn, calm down woman." he shoved her playfully. "plus you forgot your bag and i was an amazing friend and got it for you, so stop shouting at me." he handed the purple, fluffy tote bag to the girl, the one he had gotten her for her birthday this year.
he ran past her, grabbing his board and leaving her behind.

"hurry up spudz!!"


isaac was outside the bar, smoking a cigarette while he waited for his best friends and band mates to finally arrive. he had just took a drag when he noticed a blur of black flying towards him, followed by adam.

"isaac!!" aoife squealed excitedly, jumping onto isaac, cuddling into him like a koala, arms around his neck, legs around his waist and her face snuggled into his shoulder. "i missed you." she said, her voice muffled. the boy chuckled and hugged her tighter. "i missed you too, darling." he responded, his accent thick. see isaac was from birmingham, part of the reason they connected so well was because they were both foreign.

after their greetings were exchanged, they went in and automatically went to set up. they were performing a few of their own songs and a few covers.

just as 9 o'clock rolled around, the trio walked on stage and smiled. they didn't know just who was in the crowd.

cheering, whistles and claps filled the building and everyone was so excited. "well hello." adam joked. isaac chuckled and walked to beside the boy, "are you ready?" he exclaimed. the crowd erupted in cheers and 'yes!'s.

aoife laughed and took her place, front and center and stood in front of her microphone, swinging her electric guitar over her shoulder and putting her pick between her teeth. adam and isaac took their places too, the american behind and to the right of aoife, his guitar in his hands aswell. the english boy took his seat at his drum kit, twirling his customized sticks that aoife had gotten him, between his fingers skillfully.

the best friends looked towards the crowd, cheekily winking and laughing at some. they all made eye contact and grinned at each other, their eyes sparkling and smiles gleaming. aoife nodded to them and turned back to the front.


HI!! how would you guys feel about a face reveal?...
ANWAYS, as always puh leaseeee comment it just makes me feel like making these chapters is worth it. hope u enjoyed!!

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