chapter one

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AOIFE WAS many things

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AOIFE WAS many things.
a morning person was
not. one. of. these. things.

successfully making it through the grueling task of waking up, she was headed for school.

brendan had enrolled her in a posh, private school with typical rich american teenage girls - she was a bit of a troublemaker (not that brendan minded, she amused him), and this school was supposed to keep her grounded.


she drove the teachers absolutely up the walls, her cheeky little accent and mischievous grin.


the brunette was riding down the street on her busted skateboard, tote bag over her shoulder, hair whipping behind her with the wind. yeah, she's a badass, for sure.

upon arriving at the her own personal hell, that looked too much like Constance from Gossip Girl for the cork girl, aoife perched herself upon a brick wall near the doors.
she was late, as usual, and simply thought that, "if she was already late, what's another 20 minutes?"

setting her bag down beside her, she quickly grabbed her phone and texted her 'friend' nate, arranging a meet up for later that night.

nate and her weren't really friends, they just hooked up everyone once in a while.
don't judge. teenagers have needs you know?
nate hadn't met his soulmate yet and neither had she, she had also convinced herself she probably wouldn't ever meet them, so what was wrong with a little fun?

it wasn't a daily thing, no, she had some respect. it was more like once a month.

he was a dick, there was no doubt about it, but he also had a good one. (wink wink)

besides, she only met up with nate when she was really stressed. she honestly really did want to meet her mates, at some point.


after getting a thumbs up from nate and replying to a few dms on instagram, the young girl checked the time.


hopping down from the wall, she made her way through the large double doors, winking at the secretary, who sighed upon witnessing her usual behavior.

in the corridor she 'bumped' into sophie.
sophie was the typical regina george type;
snarky, petty, extremely judgemental, not to mention homophobic, and as a proud bisexual female, obviously aoife did not take tell to her. saying aoife hated her would be an understatement.

"watch where you're walking, leprauchan." the girl spat.
aoife turned and stared at the girl with a blank face.
"you literally bumped into me. at my locker." she deadpanned, turning back to put her board in the large part space and grabbing the books she needed.
the taller girl went to retort, scowl set deeply into her face when aoife simply rolled her eyes and breathed out a "just feck aff." and slammed her locker shut, strutting off, not caring that the girl probably had no clue what she had just said.
not her problem, she thought and went on her merry way.


perfect start to a monday morning.

how she got through the rest of the day in that, place, is a complete and utter mystery to her, but she gave a herself a mental
pat on the back.

you're just bloody brilliant, aoife mcnulty, brilliant.

you're just bloody brilliant, aoife mcnulty, brilliant

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