Chapter 26<3

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He's not in this chapter, but I change who Zev's charector is, it's Matthew Cohen, because, well, DAMN. 

NEW ZEV----> (or ^^ idek)

Masons POV: 

        I hardly feel it when Stephan takes me off his shoulders and sets me back on the ground. My body is still buzzing in pleasure, so as soon as I'm standing on my feet I collapse and fall onto him. He wraps his arms around my waist as I rest my head on his chest. 

        "You're so beautiful." Stephan whispers. And even though he says it numerous times every day, it still makes my heart skip a beat. I move my shaky arms up to wrap around his neck, and I look up at him, and smile. 

        "I love you." I whisper. 

        "I love you too." He says back as he picks me up and carries me out of the shower, and then sets me on the counter. I grab the towels next to me, and throw one at him hitting him in the face. 

        I can't stop laughing as he throws a playful glare my way, of course my anxiety spikes for a second, but I push it down, because I know he would never actually be mad at me, and if he was it wouldn't be for something like this. 

        I take the towel still in my hands and start drying my hair. As soon as I pull the towel back down, I have a hand in my hair and lips against mine. I automatically respond, knowing from the shocks that shoot down my body that it was my mate. I grab at his shoulders and move my body closer to his. He wraps his big arms around my waist, and starts picking me up. I make a noise of surprise and wrap my legs around his waist so I don't fall to the floor. 

        I can't help but moan as Stephan presses my body to his chest and I cling to him as we move back to our room. He drops me on the bed, and I look up at him panting. 

       "Oh my god." I whisper when I see his eyes have turned gold. 

        "Mine." He growls. 

        "Yours." I nod, my eyes wide as I stare up at him. He leans down, and kisses my mark, smelling me. But then he pulled back, his eyes are closed, and he's breathing calming breaths. 

        "Sorry, beautiful, lost control for a moment." He says opening his eyes, and staring at me gently. 

        "What happened?" 

        "My wolf is starting to have the effects of rutt, which I think is starting." Stephan says, standing up and pulling on some sweatpants. I then stand up off the bed and to the dresser, but Stephan grabs me around the waist and pulls my back to his chest, one of his large hands spreading over my stomach holding me in place. 

        "St-Stephan?" I ask. 

      "Please don't, my wolf is going insane already and I would most likely loose all control if you covered that... gorgeous body up." he whispers, kissing below my ear. 

        "Okay, what is going on." I say pressing back against him, trying to calm him down, laying my head on his shoulder. 

        "Let's sit down, and I'll explain it all okay?" Stephan says, and I nod against him. 

        Stephan slowly lets go of me, but keeps touching me in some way, a hand on my hip or fingers brushing my arm, and we sit down against the head board, me moving my legs to rest over his thigh, and him tucking me under his arm. Pressing my skin against his, placing a kiss in my still damp hair. 

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