Chapter 11

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Stephan's POV:

Two glorious months of being with my mate. We have lived together for a full month now, and thou were both happy here, I've over heard him thinking about going back home. Which I would love to go back with him and meet his friends. 

We were cuddling on the couch, watching Supernatural on TV, when my phone rang. I reached over to look at the ID. I see it's my best friend Andy. 

"Who's that?" My Little mate asks looking at my phone with his head on my shoulder. 

"My best friend, Andy. I'll answer on speaker phone, but you don't have to talk if you don't want to." I say and he blush's and nods. I smile down at him and then answer. 

"Hey." I say. 

"Guess who found his mate?" Andy said excitedly.

"You?" I asked. 

"Dude, she's gorgeous. She has brown hair, and an amazing body. And the most beautiful personality ever. Did you find your mate yet?" Andy asks. 

"Yeah, he's amazing." I say smiling down at a blushing Mason. 

"He? Oh thank god. I thought you were going to get a girl mate." Andy laughs and I smile. 

"Me to, but I was lucky. My mate is adorable, and funny, and shy. He's so close to perfect." I say looking him right in the eyes, and he smiles. 

"He's listening isn't he?" Andy says, monotone. 

"How did you know?" I ask.

"Because if he wasn't, I know for a fact you would have used 'sexy' or 'hot-as-hell'. Am I wrong?" He asks and I chuckled.

"No you are not. He is the sexiest guy I've ever had the privilege to lay eyes on." I say, smirking at Mason as he buries his head in my shoulder. 

"Oh my god." He whispers, hoping Andy won't hear him. Guess he forgot we're werewolves. 

"Awe, is he blushing." Andy coos. 

"Mine." I growl protectively. 

"Don't need him, have my own. Which I want you to meet, so do you think you could come to our town?" He asks. 

"Hell yeah, I want you to see my adorable mate to. And I love you like a brother, but if you make one move on him, I will kill you." I say in all honesty, and Mason looks at me in shock. 

"Same goes for you and my mate." He said 

"I'm gay." I say, monotone. 

"And I'm straight, you idiot." 

"Yeah, whatever. Where are you?" I ask.

He gives me the address and I say I'll be there in a few days. I hang up and realize that Mason is sitting completely stiff. I bring him into my lap so he's straddling me and put my hands on his waist, looking him in the eyes. 

"What's wrong, beautiful?" I ask quietly. 

"Th-that's my home town." He whispers, looking me in the eyes. I can't tell if he's happy or upset. 

"You mean, you could know my best friends Mate?" I said excitedly. 

"Or hate her..." He says quietly. 

"Even if that's the case, it'll all work out." I say. I don't know how, but I really hope he likes her, so we don't have problems. Hell, I'm hoping like her. 

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