Chapter 30

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I realize I said I wasn't going to update this book until I got My Troubled Mate to the place I wanted it to be, but I've been having withdrawals from my Maphan and I need to write more. Don't get me wrong I'm still working on the next chapter for MTM but I just can't hold out on this book anymore. 

Stephan's POV: 

Just like I expected the night before, I had woken up to a squeak. I quickly looked over to my little Mason to see if he was hurt, but all I saw was a glimpse of his bright red cheeks before he buried his face in the pillow, hiding from me. I smiled at how adorable he was being.

"Mason?" I whispered wrapping my arm around his waist trying to roll him over. The only response I got was a high-pitched grunt and him nuzzling himself further into his pillow, making me smile. 

"Come on, baby. Let me see you." This time he rapidly shook his head making his hair, that's already sticking up in odd places, shake. "I'm gonna tickle you." 

"Nooooo." It was muffled by the pillow but I could still hear his complaint. I smiled and started running my fingers over his waist making him squirm around. And then I started tickling him, making him squeal and flip over trying to get away from my hands. I quickly stopped ticking him and moved so I was hovering over him. As soon as our eyes meet his cheeks turn bright red again and he brought his hands up to cover his face.

"None of that, love. There is nothing to be embarrassed about over what we have done the last few days. It was just you being a good mate, and taking care of me while I wasn't in the right mind set. If you hadn't helped me, I don't want to think of what my animal side would have done. I needed you, and you were there for me." I said, and I saw a glimpse of those gorgeous big blue eyes between his fingers before he slowly lowered his hands and I smile lovingly at him. "There you are." 

 He hesitantly smiled at me and I couldn't resist leaning down and kissing him gently. I slowly moved my lips from his, and stopped hovering over him to lay down next to him again. I pulled him to my side with my arms around his waist. He laid his head on my shoulder, one of his arms resting against my chest as our legs tangled together and my arms wrapped around him. 

We just laid in each others arms for a few moments, me running my hand up and down his spine. He made a small noise of content and I smiled down at him as a sudden memory is brought to my mind. 

"Do you remember our first date?" I say quietly and grin when I hear his little giggle.

"Of course I do. You were 30 minutes late." He chuckles. 

"Do you know how panicked I was when my car wouldn't start? I didn't know what to do, so I got on the bike. Which I had to drive with a rose in my mouth being careful not to let the wind ruin it." I laughed. 

"Just for me to leave it at the library..." He mumbles and we both start laughing. 

"Did you really?" 

"I didn't know where to put it! And I wasn't expecting a second date anyway so I just left it there." He says his cheeks turning red again. 

"It's alright, I never gave you back your beanie after you took it off to put the helmet on. I think it's still in my leather jacket's pocket." I say, and he turns his head to smile up at me. "And I still never went back for the blanket."

"We're a mess." He giggles. 

We lay there for awhile just looking at each other, studying each others faces as though we were memorizing them. I run my finger over his cheek bone, mesmerized by his beauty. 

"I want to take you out today." I randomly say and he smiles up at me. 

"Really? To where?" 

"I don't know, just around town. I don't care as long as it's with you." I say and he blush's once more. Gosh he's so cute. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2015 ⏰

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