Chapter 16

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 Read the note at the end pleaseeeeee! <3

Masons POV: 

Stephan has been living here with me for a few weeks now, and I havn't shown him yet. How have I not shown it to him? I'm just now realizing that I still have to.

"Havn't shown me what, beautiful?" Stephan suddenly says, and I jump. 

"I didn't know you were awake, sorry." I whisper because I'm still sleepy. 

"I always wake up before you in the morning, babe. You just look so relaxed." He whispers back. 

"Probably because I'm asleep." I playfully glare at him. 

"Well lets go down to the kitchen. I'm hungry." He says as he gets up and throws me over his shoulder. I sequel and he chuckles. Bastard. 

"I can walk!" I shout and he just laughs and doesn't set me down until we get to the kitchen. 

"I like carrying you." He says as he wraps his arms around my waist. I just laugh and start making breakfast, him sitting at the breakfast bar as he not so subtly checks out my ass. "Do you think we should get a dog?"

"What?" I ask as I mix the eggs with milk. 

"I just think we should get a dog." He said, and I couldn't help it. 

"I have a dog." I laugh. 

"Really?" He asks, sounding upset. I quickly think I made him mad. Oh god, what have I done? I didn't mean it to be serious or offend him! What if he gets so mad he leaves for a bit to 'clear his head' and never comes back! I drop the pan on the stove, a bit louder than I meant and I turn back to him, tears already brimming my eyes. I can't loose him. 

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to offend you, Stephan! Please don't be mad, I'm so, so sorry!" I sob and he quickly gets up from the island seat, and I thought he was going to leave, making me sob harder and bury my face in my hands. Then two strong arms wrap around me and I knew from the tingles shooting down my spine it was Stephan. 

"No baby, I'm not mad. I knew it was a joke I was just going along with it! I'm sorry beautiful." He said and I visibly relaxed into his arms.

"Oh thank god!" I whimper into his chest, hands leaving my face and going to rest on his un-clothed abs. Resting my face on his chest. "I'm sorry, I have panic attacks sometimes."

"I know, beautiful. It's okay. Just know I'll always love you." He whispered and my heart melted. 

"I love you." I mumble and he tightens his arms around me. 

I sit down and he finishes breakfast. I try telling him I can do it, but he insists on doing it. But I'll admit, I like watching his back muscles as he cooks. I have a hot boyfriend.

"Oh, is that so?" He smirks at me.

"I need to stop thinking." I mumble as I blush.

"Oh no, you don't. I love hearing you think about me beautiful. What I need to do is control my constant thoughts of you, for when you can read my mind." He laughs and my jaw drops.

"I can?" I gasp.

"Not yet, beautiful." He says. "I have to mark you first." 

"Th-the bite on my shoulder?" I ask, knowing about werewolves. 

"You are making this so much easier for me, knowing this stuff already." He says as he sets down our breakfast. "But yes, when I mark you you'll be able to read my mind. And me and my wolf are itching to mark you, but not until you're ready." 

"Okay." I smile and we eat in a comfortable silence. 

"So what was it you have to show me?" He asks, obviously curious. 

"The library." I say, blushing. 

"I've already seen the library." He says, confused. 

"It's not in the library, it's through." I say and he just gets more confused.

"There is no doors in the library except the entrance?"

"I know." I smile.

"I am so confused." He laughs and I laugh with him. 

"Alright, come on wolfie." I say, and I'm nervous about what I call him until he laughs. 

We both get up and go to the library. He looks around and he cant figure it out and I just chuckle. He walks up and puts his hands on my waist. 

"What do you want to show me, beautiful." He asks and I blush. 

"Nobody knows about it. No one, not even my parents, or Lucy, or Mary." I say, truthfully. "It's a place that, I've never shown anybody. But I want to show you."

"Okay" He smiles. 

I get out of his arms and walk over to one of the bookshelves. He stands next to me confused. I take a book off the shelve that was hallowed out and press the button that was hiding behind it, making the shelf move out of the way to a small room. My safe haven. 

"Come on." I say and take him in, I shut the door behind me, and turn on the light. 

There was a cork board that had a lot of my drawings and lyrics pinned on it, and there where books everywhere and a latter. A small bed for when I just needed to be away from people for awhile. I sit on the bed and he sits next to me looking around the small room. 

"Wow." He whispers, looking at my drawings. "Did you draw these?" 

"Yeah..." I mumble and I can feel my cheeks turning red. "I had a sketch book with me when we lived together at the apartment, I just never showed you." 

"Is this it?" He asks as he picks up my sketch book and he opens it to... oh god, of course. "You drew me?"

"Of course you open it to that page." I mumble, my face in my hands. Basically half of the sketch book is drawings of the other boys in the room, of him , of his dreadful brown eyes. Then the other half is human hearts, and fireworks, and Stephan, and wolfs. 

"Who is this?" He says showing me a picture of him holding the whip... 

I start shaking and tears fall out of my terrified eyes, I can't look away, even when he drops the sketch pad, I keep seeing his face. Then I'm in Stephan's lap, his arms around me, him kissing my lips. Him saving me from my mind. 

"I'm sorry, beautiful. It's okay, I've got you, no one will ever hurt you again. I love you, I'll keep you safe." He whispers against my lips and I tightly wrap my arms around his neck and hold him close. 

He lays me down, him laying on top of me. He kisses me and then kisses below my ear, whispering 'I love you' Over and over. I wrap my arms around his neck,  running my fingers through his hair and pulling gently to bring his eyes to mine. 

"Mark me." 


OOhhhhh Mason! GET SOME! 

No the next chapter will not be full blown smut, thats later ;) But! Mason gets marked and its all fluffy and cute, just aweee. 

Alright Now Serious. 


The first person to comment on each chapter gets the next chapter dedicated to them. So freaking comment because it makes me happy and happy writer, happy reader because more chapters. 

I love you all! 

Comment and VOTE!!! 


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