Chapter 5

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Masons POV:

I... have a boyfriend? A werewolf boyfriend. If he's a werewolf. 

"I am." He suddenly says. 

"Am I accidentally saying everything out load?" I say embarrassed. 

"No, beautiful. I told you, you're my mate. So you're the only human I can read the mind of. Well, when we're close anyway. I can't when were separated because we havn't, um." He suddenly looks extremely embarrassed, and I've read enough werewolf stories to know what he's talking about. And I blush thinking about us... 

Him on top of me, kissing down my chest. pulling on my hair. Sweaty bodies pushing together...

Him growling brought me out of my mind. Oh yeah, he can hear my thoughts...

"I understand you wouldn't want to do it now. And I'll wait forever for you. But if you don't stop thinking like that, I don't think I can hold my wolf back from you're gorgeous body." I blush bright red, and bury my head in his neck to hide my face. 

I can't believe he heard that. Like he would actually want to anyway...

"I do want to, beautiful. Just not yet. I wouldn't mind making what you were just thinking a reality, but I understand if you want to wait. And I'll wait for you to be ready. No matter how long it will take." he says and I smile and I know he can feel it against his neck.

"Why are you treating me like this?" I say. "I've been depressed, and have been continuous bad luck. And I've told you about my past, but you're still being kind and gentle with me, like I actually matter. If I wasn't you're mate you never would have given me a second glance. Your wolf I understand wanting me, but your human side, couldn't. No one in there right mind would."

He pulls my face out of his neck and looks me in the eyes, and he looks furious. Oh no, what did I do this time? 

"We've been over this, havn't we?" He says, surprisingly gentle. "I wan't to pamper you. do. My wolf wants to just mark you and have you at his side so he can protect you. I want to treat you like royalty. I'm the one that promised you to be your distraction. I promised to stay by you and heal you. I want you to love. My wolf wants you to have something that's his. I would die for you. He would kill for you. The perfect combination if you ask me." He said the last sentence all cocky. And I loved it. 

I smile at him because I know he's telling the truth. It must be the pull, but I want him to stay with me. I don't want us to be separated. 

"What time is it?" I ask, suddenly noticing how dark it's getting.

"Why, am I boring you?" He asks. I can tell he's trying to be calm about it but I know it's a sincere question. 

"No it's just getting really dark. I don't like the dark." I say truthfully, my cheeks going red when I admitted my childish fear out loud.

"Don't worry, beautiful. I'll protect you." He says smiling that breath stopping smile. 

"I know." I smile back. "But really, what time is it?" 

He looks away to pull out his phone, and checks the time. 

"Almost midnight." He laughs. 

"you promised you'd have me home by midnight." I whisper. He groans, and pulls me impossibly closer. 

"I don't want to be away from you. Ever again." He says so sweetly, I swear he is melting my shield around me with every word. 

"N-neither do I." I honestly say. I want him to stay the night, and that's confusing me, but I'm done letting my thoughts and fears rule my mind. I think I'm going to let him in. 

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