Birthday Wish (Kakashi 🍋🍋🍋)

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"You have to want something else other than that?" Kakashi grumbles from the couch.

I move the eggs around in the pan to make sure they're fully cooked before pouring them onto a plate.

"Nope that's all I want for my birthday." I open up the fridge and take out the orange juice, pouring him a glass.

"That's not even a real gift. That's just me teaching you a Jutsu." He complains as I walk over to him with his plate of eggs and toast and his glass of orange juice. I hold it out for him and he smiles up at me.

"Thank you beautiful."

I drop onto the couch next to him and steal a sip from his glass.

"I would consider it a gift. I've been wanting to learn your Purple Lightning Jutsu for a while now."

He looks at me curiously, chewing on a mouthful of eggs. He swallows the bite and then sighs.

"Okay, fine. But what would you like to do for your birthday then?"

I put my head into my hands, shaking it. He's been asking me the same damn question since we got home from the hospital on Sunday.

"Your birthday is in three weeks. You have to do something!"

It's actually rather sweet the way he's so intent on giving me the perfect birthday. But really with everything that's been going on lately, I'd rather not do anything at all.

"I don't know. Maybe a small get together with you guys."

He frowns at me. "So like a typical night in?" I nod my head.

"No." He says as he takes another bite from his eggs.

I cross my arms.
"I thought it was my birthday." I pout.

"We can have a party?" He suggests, ignoring me.

I take the piece of toast off of his plate and take a bite from it, and return it.

"Fine. Whatever." I roll my eyes and lean back onto the couch. He puts his plate onto the coffee table and shifts his weight to face me.

"You ready to go?" He asks me, leaning his head to the side.

"Waiting on you." I spit my tongue out at him.

He hasn't been at his apartment since right before he left on his mission. Since he's been cleared for physical activity on Monday, we decided to go clean his place a bit and get his laundry done so he can go back home.

The idea of him going back to his apartment at this point makes me sad. I don't want to be without him but I also don't want to be clingy.

We take the walk to his apartment slower than we usually do. He's doing much better but I can tell he's not fully himself yet.

We walk hand in hand through the village, as he further interrogates me about what I want for my birthday.

"One million gold bars."

He huffs and furrows his brows.
"You're a frustrating woman when you want to be, you know that?"

"But you love me for it, right?"

He stops mid walk, pulling me back by my hand and lightly against his chest.

One hand wraps around my waist as the other one comes up and catches me on the chin, tilting my head up to look at him. He reaches up and lowers his mask.

"You bet your sweet ass I do." He says in a low voice, close enough that I feel his warm breath on my lips.

I feel the heat dust my cheeks a rosy pink color and I chew on my lip at our close proximity.

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